Saturday 3 September 2011

how to control a woman

Here’s a Zen Seduction method that any guy can do to get
immunity from the cloying sadism of a hot bitch.

Yes, someone who looks that perfect has
a lot going inside her head. She, like any other girl, has
something she’s hiding behind the attitude. It could be a secret
pleasure, a hidden want, and a covert need that cannot be
assuaged. Her ego, too, has blown up like that because she
wanted it to protect something … a weakness.
Before you ask me where to line up to get a vaccine against
nasty bitchiness, let me tell you about girls who act this way
How to bust her attitude and establish your frame?
I’ll go one step further and teach you about women and
compliance. It’s not just about exterminating a bad attitude or
making her see the wrong in her ways… It’s all about

subliminally conditioning women to follow the flow of your
conversation, and become more submissive to someone who’s
got his mojo intact.
Interaction is all about controlling the frame and
ADJUSTING the frame according to signals that you
notice one by one if you know what to look for. Before that
girl called out my buddy for being weird, there were signals
hanging all over her body that should have alerted him to the
gaping hole that was his embarrassment if only he took
control of the situation.
Remember this. When you’ve just met a girl and she’s
showing signs of compliance, don’t let go of the frame. In
fact, it is recommended that you take in everything with a
coolness that will rival an icy lake until she’s under you
writhing and scratching your back. You just do NOT let up
until that time when you have her completely.
Because, if you assume too soon that the little goddess will
“take care of you” because you’ve been good to her so far and
you’re following her lead (like my friend did).
 Lesson One: Take Control and Observe the Frame
She Wants You to Enter

Pay attention to her body language and facial expressions.
Does she smirk, glower, roll her eyes then laugh, furrow her
well-shaped brows, or cross her arms across her chest? These
are all hints of negative emotions. Usually, women anticipate
your reaction then gets frustrated when you fall right into the
nice cozy trap she set up.
Women’s idea of power play is strange, but there’s a pattern...
She thinks you like her, she gives you a chance to show her,
she gets bored with your compliance and she leaves…. but not
without proving her point first.
She wants to let you know who’s in charge. One platonic girl
pal once said “why do I always meet losers”? She’s a maneating
bitch too and a good case study for that trait. That’s the
point of the whole shebang that my friend was not able to
dodge. She thought he’s a loser and a creep for falling for it.
Do yourself a favor and don’t let the love fumes cover your
vision. Look out for clues. They’re everywhere; and you’ve
only got a few minutes to smoke the subtle hints of ‘attitude’
out before she bites your head off.

 Lesson Two: Destroy Her Frame by Hitting the
Soft Spot
Bitchy vixens are girly girls who developed their egos. Make
no mistake of it; they’re the same as the other girls who go to
bars only after hours of preening in front of the mirror.
They picked out their outfits a long time ago, maybe after a
month or so of shopping. If that doesn’t give you a clue to
what a bitch’s weakness is, you’re about to find out.
Once she starts furrowing her brows, tell her the wrinkles are
showing through her wrinkles. When she rolls her eyes, ask
her if her mascara is bothering her. Stay calm, move out and
hit some more.
A woman’s looks take precedence over the way she acts when
interacting in a club. As long as she thinks she looks
impeccable and superior in beauty, she thinks she can get
away with her behavior. It’s not personal; she doesn’t have
anything against you. It’s just a warped power boost she plays
to remind her that guys go ga-ga over her looks.
Bust it. Mercilessly. Here’s another way. Attack her age.

I approached a group of girls one time and focused on the
most likable girl (the softer, feminine one who was smiling),
but I really had my eye on the most gorgeous girl in the group.
This girl did a look over and ignored me. So I went for that
line of attack. I introduced myself formally and asked if I can
join them. Then I said, “I figured you’re the chaperone of
these pretty girls because you look the oldest. It must be
because you don’t smile.”
It cracked the whole group up, but several emotions flitted
across that girl’s face in a split second. Let me tick them off
one by one: shock, consternation, realization, sheepishness
and … amazingly… attraction. She gave me that crooked
smile and a much ‘softer’ look. A few minutes later, when it
was time for me to leave, she gave me her number.
 Lesson Three: The Sincere Compliment
There’s an action that followed the ‘Repel’ in the lesson 2
It’s this: I gave her a wink and an answering smile right after
she smiled. This is what I call the ‘Attract’ in this situation.
When I was about to leave and she handed over her card, she
said “call me if you want”.

I looked in her eyes, replied “You’re very beautiful when you
smile. You should do it more often”.
This system has an Attract-Repel structure feel to it, which
may not be new to you. However, Attract-Repel is something
that you might have practiced on women who weren’t set on
disliking you.
Let me tell you this - Attract-Repel is a winning strategy that
works especially well on this type of females.
In fact, it’s even easier to do this on someone who’s
aggressively trying to push you away than on someone who’s
passive about you.
Like a playground swing; if it’s already in motion and has
gained momentum, pushing and pulling it will be much easier
to do.
Remember this when dealing with a woman who is
"misbehaving". †

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