Monday 10 October 2011

The Most Vital Concept You Must Master If You Want To Succeed With Women...

The single most important and absolutely critical concept you must
understand in order to be successful with women is “ATTRACTION”.
Unless you understand how attraction works, there is absolutely no
way you will ever be able to succeed with women and dating. There
are no exceptions to this rule.
Unlike men, women tend to act based on the way they feel, which
means they make decisions based on emotions and not generally
logic. They see something, get a feeling and act on that feeling.
Since it’s all based on feelings they basically can't control who they
are attracted to and who they aren't attracted to. Attraction is basically
a subconscious response women have towards certain behaviors
displayed by men.
Therefore, in order to trigger attraction you need to inculcate these
behaviors in your personality.
However, before we get to the dynamics of it, let me state a couple of
facts first.

1- Women do not control who they ARE attracted to.
2- Women do not control who they are NOT attracted to.
This basically means attraction happens at an unconscious level and
women cannot control it.
Basics of Attraction-
Now let me show you what attraction really is for women. Women get
attracted to…
1- Someone they can't have.
2- Someone somebody else has.
3- A guy who is wanted by other girls.
4- A man who does not do what he is expected to do, which
5- Someone who has high value.
1- Someone they can't have-
Women are naturally attracted to guys they can't easily have. It's
pretty much like the concept of free stuff...We never value anything
which is available for free yet we attach massive value to something
which comes with a price tag.
Another example of this can be seen in the business world. Here is a
marketing trick a lot of businesses use...A man was looking at TV sets
in a showroom. He was not too keen on buying anything and was just
looking around until a set caught his eye.

2- Someone Somebody Else Has-
The same concept applies here as well. If a man is engaged, has a
girl friend or is married to someone else, it automatically makes him
Attraction tends to intensify when the man is hard to get. When he is
already taken by someone else…It makes him even more desirable.
3- A Guy Who is Wanted By Other Girls-
This is a big one...In order to describe this let me use another good
Picture this...
You are walking down the street and you see a big crowd...It suddenly
catches your attention and you get curious to know what's going on.
You go closer and realize everyone is looking at a box. Now you don't
see anything special about this box because it looks just like any
other ordinary box.
But would you just walk away? No, instead you stand there to find out
what is so special about this box and wonder, “Why is everyone
looking at it?”
Similarly, if a guy is surrounded by lots of women he will naturally
attract more women because every female would feel there must be
something special and unique about this guy due to which he is
surrounded by all these females.

Naturally, they would get curious too and be willing to know more
about you.
4- A Man Who Does Not Do What He is Expected To Do, Which
Means BEING UNPREDICTIBLEUnpredictability
is known to be the fastest way to trigger instant
attraction with women.
Many guys approach women in a very obvious and predictable way.
They make their intentions so obvious that the woman can’t help but
feel repulsion towards them.
Women are quick to scan the male body language and within
seconds, they form a judgment regarding whether they would like to
carry on the interaction with a certain male or not.
As you know, attractive women are used to being approached by
regular guys, and they rarely find a guy who is different than the
average crowd.
Women expect men to react in a certain way…For example a
beautiful woman who spends a lot of time in front of the mirror trying
to look good always expects men to show attention regardless of
where she is. She expects a certain type of reaction and is used to
getting that reaction from all men.
This is the reason why when they are hit with something unique and
unpredictable it triggers instant attraction.

Consider being in conversation with a beautiful woman and saying- “I
really like you…You are so pretty and have a great personality. Would
you date me?”
“I like you but I am not sure if we would get along. I mean…I don’t
think you can handle me.”
Which line do you think will get her more curious? Well there are no
prizes for guessing here, because obviously the second line is more
powerful and will make her brain fire instantly.
She would think… “Wait a minute… This guy is telling me I can’t
handle him?
Does this mean I am not good enough for him? He seems so different
from other guys. I must know more about him….”
And there is nothing she can do to stop herself from feeling this way.
Her emotions will instantly overpower her complete frame and she
won’t be able to do anything but feel attracted.
5- Someone Who Has High Value-
Why do you think some antique items are sold for stunningly high
prices, and in most cases, these are the items, which aren’t even
Does this mean people are just plain stupid spending thousands and

even millions on certain antique items? Well no...But what is the deal
These items are perceived, as high value even though they might be
of no use but the value public attaches to them is massive. This same
concept applies to women and attraction.
You will be considered attractive in the female mind as long as you
are perceived as a male of high value.
A girl will label you a high value male when she considers you to be
more important than her. As long as you maintain the upper hand, you
will always be considered as a high value male.
Therefore, the key here is to make yourself seem more important than
the girl.
Here are certain guidelines to being a high value male-
- A high value male never tries to impress her.
- A high value male never seeks female attention or approval.
- A high value male never puts a girl on a pedestal only because she
is good looking.
- A high value male never settles for anything but the best.
- A high value male never keeps women on top of his priority list.
- A high value male is always willing to walk away when his principles
are violated.
- A high value male always makes the woman work for his attention.
- A high value male has more than enough options to choose from.
- A high value male makes the girl adapt to his reality instead of
adapting to hers.
- A high value male never chases females.

As long as you demonstrate all these traits, you will always be
considered as a high value male, and women won’t be able to help
but feel attraction towards you.

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