Saturday 3 December 2011

Inviting the girl over to your place

Three different scenarios of inviting a girl over to your place as either a continuation of a date or
the two of you just hanging out together will be discussed below.
The basic premise
The basic premise of all these scenarios is the assumption that you have already been spending
some time together that very same evening - either you have had a date, or met at some party
(wedding, reception, birthday etc), or a nightclub/bar/pub. But now that the party is about to end,
or the pub to close, or you're almost done with all the prescripted "dating" activities (be it
movies, restaurants etc) - what next?
Here are three different scenarios of proceeding for you to examine and make the right choice
from. Oh, and by the way, a scenario of You/Her: "Thanks, I had a really great time, bye now!"
will not be discussed at all, I hope you don't minds:)
Scenario I
Fluff talk. Facts talk. Then some more fluff talk. You steer the discussion to whatever seems to
hold her interest and you know you have exhibits of at home - arts and literature / you have lots
of books on them or paintings, statues etc; music / an records collection; movies / books on
movies or a movies collection etc. Now you can quite casually somewhere in the dicussion
mention "You know I have a great [book/collection] on [whatever]". And when the time comes,
you can say: "Well, why don't you come to my place and check out [whatever] I was talking
about. I could show you [this] and [that]".
She turns you down. And this was the whole point of the first scenario. She turns you down, thus
it really doesn't matter what you did or didn't do. The sneaking up to a cheap pretext to throw her
way is just one example of the wrong way to do it. There are countless more and AFCs all over
the world are doing it daily, failing miserably and getting laughed at by the girls behind their
In conclusion - she didn't even accept the invitation.
But I'm not telling you yet, how to avoid being turned down - read the next scenario:)
Scenario II
Fluff talk. Feelings talk. Onto the value and personality demonstration method (aka seduction
technique:) of your choice. You can see that you are making her feel good:) She smiles, laughs,
has a puppy-face, etc, things are going well. You might even be having some slight kino
(touching hands, maybe holding hands when walking in the streets etc). She has got to be into
you:) So up comes the topic of going to your place, for whatever reason, could even be the lame
"I'll show you this book and that record" pretext of the first scenario. And she agrees:)
She comes to your place because she likes you and trusts you. But... um... well you like her and
trust her too, otherwise you wouldn't have asked her over:) But that wasn't exactly your point:)
Oh well, you proceed to work your magic - make her feel good, relaxed, at ease, connected etc.
But sooner or later there comes a time of revelation for her - she might be about to see more than
just some book. Once she has had that revelation, she can either decide that she wouldn't mind
that at all and in fact she would like that very much:) ...Or she might first freeze up from the
shock and horror of the unexpectedness of that revelation, then panic and finally flee.
In conclusion - she accepts the invitation, but there are no assurances as to whether she also
decides to stay or not.
But I'm not telling you yet, how to avoid being run away from - read the next scenario:)
Scenario III
Fluff talk. Feelings talk. Onto the value and personality demonstration method (aka seduction
technique:) of your choice. You can see that you are making her feel good etc, everything starts
out just like in the previous scenario. But there's modification to it - instead of slight kino (holding
hands etc), the two of you will have much more intimate kino. That means stroking her
hand, hair, waist, holding her and then the ultimate test - kissing. Actually kissing serves a double
a) As already mentioned, it serves as the ultimate test - if she is reluctant to kiss you when you're
hanging out, there's good chance she will also be reluctant to kiss you when she comes to your
Kissing of course is a huge decision for a girl, so if you wan't to test her willingness to also stay
in case she decides to accept your invitation at all, you must first make the kiss for her as
comfortable as possible - you'd better have already had previous kino (hugging, stroking), be in a
more secluded place or in a place, where she feels its ok to kiss (so this could also be in the
middle of the dance-floor of a nightclub, where things like that occur frequently) etc.
If she refuses a kiss, don't give up yet, see the suggestions on kiss-closes in Closing. If however
she doesn't seem to want to kiss you, there's little chance that she'd accept your invitation as well,
for now she knows what it really is she has to decide about when considering your invitation.
You can still try of course, but I'd say that if she accepts to come to your place after having
refused a simple kiss... you've got yourself one strange girl:)
b) Aside from being a test of whether or not there would be any point in inviting her over, kissing
also serves as a mighty powerful aphrodisiac. She might be willing to come to your place
anyway, and she might be willing to kiss you, but she might not be thinking in terms of staying a
bit longer than it would take to check out a few books. Having started kissing with you however
will definetly sway her thinking in the horny direction so that she might even start thinking about
doing it with you tonight without you ever mentioning anything about... going to your place "to
check out a book or something":) But when you finally do that, she'll be more than happy to
In conclusion - no turning you down, no coming over and then fleeing, but a girl who knows
what to expect and expects what she has come to know:) And that is the kind of girl you want to
"show your books" to:)
So remember - kiss-test/arouse her first, otherwise you'll be just shooting in the dark.
NYC's suggestions to someone whose girl was comfortable with the kino and kissing but seemed
reluctant to come to his place. NYC and his usual graphic language, ASF: "FORGET YOUR
HOUSE! If you had taken her somewhere secluded, you could have fucked her on the premises.
She was rejecting GOING TO YOUR HOUSE... NOT you feeling her up. She was totally with it
and you lost out because you tried to change the venue. You can lose your vibe en route to the
new location, so I personally don't like to change venues. Do her in the bathroom if you have to."

Our World routine

The Our World routine, contributed by Maniac High (, constructs
an imaginary world for both you and the girl, where the two of you can feel happy, comfortable
and relaxed, and free to do anything you wish irrespective of the rules and norms of society or
the attitutudes of other people, because quite simply - you are now in a different world, a world
without any outside influences, a world where normal rules don't apply, a world for just the two
of you. You are in "our world":)
The desired outcome of building "our world" in a conversation with the girl is to agree on ending
up at your place the next time you two meet. This also works very well when arranging a "date"
over the phone. But don't start building the world until you know exactly, what it needs to be
like. So first you have to find out about her values and principles and her possible objections to
meeting you / ending up at your place. After you've done enough value-eliciting and come to
know her possible objections (she might have a boyfriend, she might be afraid of social labelling
etc), you can start building the perfect world for the two of you, which represents all of which she
values, circumvenes everything she objects to but most importantly (and this is what you are
striving for:) - is free of any usual social restrictions and objections to sharing, loving, touching,
feeling wonderful in each other's company, you know where this list is headed to:)
The following example assumes the girl has a boyfriend as an additional obstacle (modified from
Maniac High's post to ASF describing yet another Japanese PUA in action).
The first thing to do is fluff talk and finding her interests, then shifting from interests to romantic
talk ASAP. For example, if a chick says she likes snowboarding, you'll ask if she ever had a BF
who liked snowboarding. If she did - start talking about that BF, and what he was like. If not, you
can ask if she had a BF with any similar hobbies and then what he was like etc. Soon you can
move into what she likes in a guy, and relationships, and the onto the general nature of human
beings. Make sure the girl is fairly intelligent for such themes though, beacause if she isn't, she
might feel like you're flying over her head and leaving her in the dust, in other words - miserable
and bored. So if she responds - continue; if not, switch themes.
Assuming she is able to keep up with the conversation about the nature of all human beings, you
can continue talking about what a human being is like in his/her essence and what are his/her
natural desires - a need, a craving for affection and nurturing; giving, receiving and sharing love;
feeling close and becoming one with another human being; feeling protected and safe, yet free to
do whatever her heart wishes to do etc. Then compare that with how society restricts her in
certain ways, like being able to have only one BF or one husband. Then talk about how it is
interesting that in other societies, like Arab or amongst certain Mormons it is different - the
woman is free to have several men and not feel ashamed or embarressed, because it is just an
expression of natural human feelings anyway (this one is tricky though - she must be intelligent
enogh to keep up with the conversation but not intelligent enough to know that those claims are
actually FALSE! So watch your step:). In western cultures however this is (unfairly) looked
down at.
This is where you introduce the concept of "our world". Suggest and idea of "our own special
world", where the rules of society don't have to apply (with the underlaying message of "cheating
on your BF is fine":), and where you can hold each other and hug, be comfortable in each others
arms, relaxed, happy and feel secure. Your goal here is to make her feel secure and free to betray
her BF, because all of this takes place in a "separate world" of just the two of you (apart from this
example of using "our world" to overcome her objections to cheating on her boyfriend,
remember that you can use "our world" to overcome any possible objections she might have).
After this is done and all set up, you then make the pitch for her to come over in order to enjoy
that separate world where you can be together and hold each other in "our world". You describe
how you can celebrate, hug, and don't forget to say directly that she doesn't have to have sex if
she doesn't want to (continue building a world of security and freedom). Say something like
"Have you ever felt/noticed when holding each other, how it feels good, how it feels to connect
with each other and feel fabulous. I think that sex, well its like a recognition of this connection".
Usually around this point, she accepts to come over and you agree on a time/date.
But you're not home free yet. Either when talking to her over coffee or over the phone, don't end
the conversation here. Her agreeing to come to your place might mean she will be comfortable
and then again, it might not. And even if she feels comfortable about it at the moment, she might
just freak out at the last moment the next time you meet and bail. Women have a much more
easier time accepting almost anything, if they have been told about it in advance and they know
to expect it. So instead of leaving now, introduce and describe to her the next time the two of you
are going to meet. Describe the initial encounter in beautiful, wonderful, uplifting and positive
terms. Plus don't forget to add some important details:)
Here's an example of what to say: "It will be a wonderful day, which you can already imagine
now... as I meet you at the (station/place), I will hug you, and that connection will be visible, I
will take your hand, and we will begin the journey to "our world" (my place:)... and then when
we arrive at the gate/door, I will kiss you, and we will enter together and how nice it will be to
connect, hold each other, being free from restrictions of the outside world, when we are in "our
world" together, and feeling fabulous together. And how wonderful that will all feel. You can
imagine that, can't you?".
Now that you're scripted the encounter, the two of you can depart. And when the day comes, act
it out exactly as you described it (you can't do anything about the weather though - if its raining
when you were describing a sun-shiny day, well, a bummer, lets hope she won't mind:).
So you meet the girl, hug her and say: "Welcome, I am glad you have come to share "our world"
today". You then take her and go to your place. At the door you say: "Welcome to "our world",
and add that you want to kiss you before you enter, like you said on the phone. Usually the girl
agrees and you can kiss her gently outside (setting the stage for when she gets inside).
You go in, sit down. Talk about a relaxing secure hug, then start to hug on the couch or wherever
it is you sat down. Then kiss her again - which is okay, since you already started outside. Then

some more kissing... and more touching... neck... ears... breast (okay, you're on your own from
here on:).
Maniac High: "He says it works every time. It runs like clockwork, and he could lay a girl after
about 20 minutes after they got in."

Proceeding instead of closing

A very viable alternative to closing is simply proceeding. If both you and her seem to have some
time to spare and things are going well, why would you literally want to "close" a wonderful
thing? To leave her wanting for more? To work some more magic over the phone and build up
anticipation, incredible connection and attraction? Sure, but none of this compares to being able
to make things happen right now. And if there seem to be no unsurmountable obstacles, then that
is exactly what you should be doing.
The following example adapted from "Sweep women off their feet..." uses big-time supplication,
but being fairly off-the-wall and presented as "anything to make you smile", it does the trick:)
The main value of this example however is the application of proceeding instead of closing.
"There is no better time to go out than right there and then. If you already spent some time
talking to a girl you just met and she is responsive, asking her out can mean nothing more than
taking the conversation somewhere else.
[Talking with female colleagues on the street]. Just as I turn around I see this amazingly beautiful
girl walking down the street towards us.
I looked straight into her eyes and said:
"You know what I think? I think it should be illegal for someone to be as beautiful as you."
As she made her way past the three of us, she turned her head and said:
"Who me?" as though she was trying to figure out if I was talking to her. She began to blush.
"Yeah, you! You are going to cause an accident. At least if I was one of those guys driving down
the street, I couldn't take my eyes off you and bump the car in front of me."
"Nah, you're just saying that." And then she walked into the building.
"Wait, just wait a second. Do you think that you're just going to walk into my life like that,
completely blow me away with your beauty, style and magnetic personality and then walk away
never to be seen again?"
"Well, as sweet as you make it sound, I do have some things to take care of in this building and I
have to go."
"That's fine with me. Just tell me how long you'll be and I'll wait here for you. I won't even take
another breath until you return if that is your wish."
Without saying another word she went into the elevator and off she went. Five minutes later I
was still out there talking to my two friends when she came back out of the building. I walked up
to her again and said:
"Wow, I knew that you were going to come back to me. You didn't tell me how long I should wait
but I was ready to go home and get my tent and camp out here for as long as needed just to see
you again."
She starts giggling and says:
"What kind of girl do you think will fall for this kind of lines?"
"Actually, if these lines can put a smile on your face, then I can die a happy man. I suppose I'm
ready to die now. My dream has come true. I made you smile. I wonder if I can do it again. But
you know this is not even funny. Usually I am a self-centered bastard just like any other guy,
keeping my feelings to myself, then this girl walks into my life and changes everything. I start
pouring out my inner most feelings and you think they are just some cheesy pick-up lines."
(Acting hurt)
"Somehow I just don't see you as a self-centered bastard. You're just being too hard on yourself."
"I can prove it, but you have to spend some time with me, perhaps have a drink with me around
the corner at the E&C (nice restaurant and sports bar)."
"But I don't drink. Besides why would I want to really find out that you are a self-centered
bastard? That's not what most girls want in a guy."
"Ok, I don't drink either. We can have a couple of soft drinks. But I know that in my attempt to
show you my dark side, you will realize how much fun you're having and I'll get yet another
chance to admire your beauty. I'll even make you a deal. The minute you stop laughing and
having a good time that's the minute that you get up and walk away. No strings attached."
"Are you buying?"
"I wouldn't even have it any other way."
"Ok, you're on."
The casual tone of the entire conversation allowed us both to laugh all throughout.
After drinks I told her that I had plans for later in the evening because I wanted to see this movie,
but I would love it even more if she came along. By now she was very comfortable in my
company and she had no problem saying yes. At the movies we bumped into an old acquaintance
and after introducing them he said out of the blue that we look good as a couple and that we
would have good looking kids. As you can see, we were already acting like a couple in love, and
that's how people around us perceived us. [well, you won't be able to count on bumping into old
acquintances telling you your kids will be cute, but acting like a couple in love goes a long way
nevertheless:)]. At the end of the evening when I took her home we kissed and said good night.
We never even exchanged phone numbers as of yet. From earlier conversations she mentioned of
her love to read and the vast collection of books she has. At that very moment I asked her if she
had any books on love and she said yes. "Can I take a look?" We went upstairs and she told me to
wait by the door so she can tidy up a bit before I can go in. Once I was in she showed me her
books and gave me the one about love. I sat on the floor and told her "It says in here that love
usually happens when you least expect it but if you're in doubt there's a little test to find out for
sure." I asked her to sit next to me for the test. We kissed and I never left until the next morning.
Though we spent a few hours together before this happened, the point that I'm trying to make is
the fact that meeting a girl for the first time can turn into more than an exchange of phone
numbers and a possible date down the road. In this case, having slept together, how hard do you
think it would be to ask her out on a date? In her mind it would only be natural that we continue
our "relationship" by going out together, and yes, more sex. But at the same time, the fact that we
both had the time to talk and get to know each other right away was the deciding factor. If we
were under time constraints and constantly interrupted, the most we would have accomplished
would have been the exchange of numbers and perhaps another date."
If at any time the time constraints and interruptions seem to be interfering with proceeding
though, you should do the close (taken from "Sweep women off their feet..."):
"It is indeed nice talking to such a wonderful person as you just about anything that can make us
both laugh and feel good. But can you imagine how much more we could enjoy each other's
company if we were in a more comfortable setting without any kind of time pressures or
interruptions, allowing us to really explore the topics of conversation that allow us to have a
good time and laugh the most. I think we owe ourselves at least one chance to experience that.
Wouldn't it be great to experience that and let it happen?"
You basically asked her if she likes to have fun. Who doesn't like to have fun? From here it's easy
to set a date for you to spend some time together."

Asking for a… date?

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Closing - the kiss close and the number close

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Don't forget to make a timely exit

NYC: "Even the most interesting guy can run out of interesting shit. Stay with them until you
have demonstrated personality and made them laugh and are at a high point... then CUT THEM
OFF. Tell them you have to do something or it was nice meeting them or whatever and you
would like to continue this conversation sometime under quieter circumstances. If your job is
done, they will give you numbers and you can leave the group... EVEN IF IT IS THE BEST
THING GOING! You can come back later if you want, but you already have their numbers in
case they leave or you need to rush out or catch a chick that wants to fuck right now! Even if you
have to exit the bar and take a stroll and then come back having done nothing for ten minutes,
IMO, closing at a high point and returning later on is MUCH BETTER than talking yourself out
and leaving nothing to the chicks' imaginations that makes them want to talk to you in the future."


To capitalise when doing a pick-up would be to * and #close with a girl. To capitalise with a girl
that you've already # or *closed would be to do a follow-up of calling her and then either by
patterning or using any other seduction technique helping her to realise what you both have really
wanted all along:) And then doing it of course:)
Apart from your usual pick-ups though, you might have gotten a girl interested in you in the
midst of your everyday chores - maybe a co-worker, a neighbour, a fellow student, a girl at the
cashier. To capitalise would mean NOT TO LET THAT WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY
CLOSE! She is already preconditioned to liking you, so why let such a perfect opportunity slip? I
assume of course, that you find her quite amiable as well:)
As for how to detect such an opportunity - you should know the signs of interest (see Reading
body language for more details). She initiates contact, calls, emails or starts a conversation with
you, smiles, asks questions etc, or reacts to your initiations more happily than before or more
happily than your average indifferent girl would, giggles with her girlfriends when you pass her
by, draws hearts in her college-block while sitting beside you (now you're not chasing highschool
girls are you?:). See "Reading body language" for more signs.
But she won't stay interested forever. Any day (or night:) a new prospect might catch her
attention and even without the threat of competition, her interest for you could wear off any
moment, no matter what the reason. Even if not really having seduced her purposefully, if you
detect her interest (and most probably she is doing her best to let you know:) and she is also quite
to your liking, do end her suffering and extend a helping hand:)
Make sure that is not a supplicating AFC-ish hand though - that is one of the main reasons of the
"I was interested in him/her only until he/she developed an interest for me, then it became
boring" phenomenon. Stay on top of matters. A girl that has developed an interest in you
independently in the course of a few months is no different from a girl that you just met and
helped realise that you are the man of her dreams ten minutes from meeting her - they both need
guidance or else they might get lost.
But you need to begin right away - don't wait for some non-existent "right time" to approach her
or ask her out (hopefully you're past any such thinking though:) or for her to make the first move
(she WON'T, and if you don't make the first move she will eventually dismiss you as an ignorant
chump or think you're not interested and in either case - she'll move on). Believe me, if you
already noticed the signs of interest, SHE IS interested! And don't even try to dismiss them as
random friendliness or your imagination, if you noticed them, they're for real:) Now once you
know she is interested - capitalise on it!

Reading the signs of a "committed" woman

For starters - a story which at first glance only seems to illustrate the mistake of judging a girl by
her words and not her actions. But after a more careful inspection, even those seemingly
"rejecting" words of her are actually a complementary sign to her actions (the sign being - "I
want you!":).
Mr Happy, ASF:
"Ok boys and girls, learn from Mr. Happy's mistake so that you don't fall for it yourself.
I met this chick online and got her to agree to meet me to play some pool. She was *really* hot. I
also did a really good job of conveying personality... I got in some good negs, some humor, some
teasing, it was very playful, and also some light kino. (I know I did this right because she still
messages me, etc so maybe I'll get a chance to correct the FUCK UP that I on.)
See the whole time she is talking about how she is a Christian, and she works for Campus
Ministries, and she has a FIANCE, and how they're not just DATING, but they are COURTING
and how special it is, blah blah. She also says how busy she is because of school, and that if I'm
going to see her, it'll be on her terms (ha!) so at that point I thought, screw this, I have better
things to do with my time. She invited me to a mechanical engineer (her major) party that friday
and I turned her down.
She messages me a few days later and talks about how she got drunk and stoned at the party and
how she went home with some other student and got her brains fucked out. She hopes she isn't
pregnant, she doesn't intend to tell her fiance, etc blah.
That could have been me in there! I will never spare a chick again:)"
Based on the story above, here are commentaries by Odious on what were/are the signs of a
married or borefriended iow "committed" woman being interested in you. Odious, ASF:
"OK, having been with married women before, there are 3 key signs that she's hot to trot and
ready to step out.
1. She will "open up to you" and tell you what IS NOT happening with her man.
This goes for married women, women with boyfriends... all of them. She will tell you flat out
what it is she is missing and what she wants. When she starts telling you how he's not cutting it,
she's letting you know that door is open. Now this woman did this, but it sounds like she was
being subtle about it. She said they were courting, not dating... what the hell is that? I think that
meant "we have a commitment but he's not fucking me."
2. If she's interested, she'll create opportunities for the two of you to be alone together.
I had a woman who I didn't even realize was interested in me, come over to my house to study
and work on a paper... because her computer was on the fritz. The thought that she was hot for
me did not even cross my mind until she started asking me my opinions on the meaning and
value of marriage iow "what would you think of a woman who cheated on her husband... with
you... right now!"
3. She knows when he'll be around or not, so she'll want to call the shots as to when you see each
She obviously did that one. However, don't count yourself out just yet, because she is still giving
you a subset of the first sign (which was - telling you what is _not_ happening with her man).
She may tell you about other sexual exploits - if she cheated on him before, or if she cheated on
an old boyfriend etc. So this woman is hitting all the signs. She's opened up to you, she's making
time, she wants to call the shots as to when you get together, and now she's telling you she
cheated. The next time you see her, or talk to her - act like you think her cheating is no big deal,
that you respect it when women can go for what they want. I have also found an attack on the
sexist nature of the whole idea of monogamy to be very effective:
"The whole idea of monogamy dates back to a time when women were treated as property. Men
ran the world and made all the rules. So men could have mistresses and concubines, but if a
woman cheated she was stoned to death. It is completely sexist and hypocritical. I think you
should listen to your heart and your desires, and see where that leads you. To me, that is the only
way to go. Fulfill your desires, and seek pleasure. With me, that's what's important. Pleasure is a
gift, indulge it and you become a more fulfilled and complete person." etc."
Update. NYC explains why "committed" women are actually quite easy both to approach and
even get "very friendly" with:) NYC, ASF:
"Women that are "taken" are different from women that are single in that they are either LESS
PICKY or MORE HORNY. Single women are either looking for more than just dick (MORE
PICKY) or they have less of a sex-drive so they don't REQUIRE a man in their lives unless he's
just what they want.
A chick that is "taken" gives herself to her boyfriend so he can fuck her. Now the pressure is on
the guy to perform. Unless the guy is still HOT for the chick, the sex is routine or most
importantly... ORGASMLESS for the woman. When she meets you, she feels that DESIRE to be
with a man. She feels YOUR DESIRE to please her and take your pleasure from her. It is that
ROMANTIC kind of interaction that she doesn't get from her "boyfriend" coming home, turning
on the TV, watching sports, feeling her up for a second (lack of foreplay is a MAJOR turnoff)
and fucking her until HE cums and falling asleep. As long as she feels like she can get away with
it and still have her hum-drum relationship intact, she will fuck you. You would be surprised how
many women are "taken" but nowhere near SATISFIED! Ray Parker made the point that HBs are
NEVER without a man. They keep the one they have until they hook up something new. Then
they skip off, so if you are waiting for an HB to become SINGLE, you can forget it!

If more than one girl is giving you the vibe

NYC, ASF: "In a case like that where you are receiving vibes from TWO chicks, especially
related ones... consider EXTRACTING BOTH! The point is that if you take the niece, the aunt
will feel rejected and cock-block. If you take the aunt, the niece will not CB, but she will not
accept any advances from you BECAUSE you have declared interest in her aunt. What you want
to do here is extract the chicks that LIKE YOU from the chicks that DON'T LIKE YOU and the
guys. Separate the targets from the obstacles.
Use whatever you can - "Have you ladies seen the...", "Look, a picture booth... I've never taken a
picture with an aunt and niece before... let's go" - do whatever you have to do to get them both
away from the group. Once you get away, STAY AWAY! Either both will stay with you and you
can chat them up and display personality, OR only ONE of them will go back to the group. This
way they effectively decide amongst themselves which one gets you instead of YOU picking one
and rejecting the other. If they BOTH try to go back to the group, say "Oh cum on. One of you
stay with me:)", that should start a debate as to which one will stay and which will go."

Building a bridge AFC-style

ASF: "YOU are interested in her, SHE appears interested in you, what you need is a bridge to
open communications: such bridges are constructed from a readily available material known
commonly as bullshite. Think up some credible or not so credible story & get over there and
knock on her door. You could tell her you're thinking of buying a dog and ask here advice, you
could say you've noticed she drinks beer & you know of a good supplier, you could tell her you're
doing a survey (you have a PC, so make some convincing looking questionnaires), you could tell
her you're selling insurance or anything. It doesn't matter: you know its bullshit and she knows its
bullshit. If she's receptive, as appears, it doesn't matter, she'll play along - that's one of the
reasons why god put bullshit on earth. If not, she'll tell you to fuck off: so what?"
Update. The Spare Shoe technique. This is a variation of building an AFC-style bridge with a
little less AFC-ness and a little more PUA-ness. Don't be fooled however, the fact that the bridge
is built out of BS doesn't have to mean it won't hold, especially if she is laughing her way across
the bridge:)
Benjamin Strackany, mindlist: "Go up there one evening and bring a shoe or shirt or something.
Knock on her door. When she answers, say, "Hey, you, I was just passing by and I noticed this
shoe here. Is it yours?" Well, of course she'll say no, and then you smile and reply, "Oh, hmm,
well, I guess it must be mine then. So what're you up to?" Then chat a little more and then run an
SS pattern on her. Or chat a bit more and then sit down in her doorway and continue talking as if
everything is natural. She'll notice and laugh and either invite you in or else ask what you're
doing. You can then reply, "Oh, I was getting a little tired standing up, but we're having such fun
talking that I decided to rest a bit so I could put all my energy into making you laugh." She'll
smile and either sit down to continue talking or else invite you in.
Even if she's busy, the above should make a cute impression, and you can follow up with an SS
pattern to ask her out to coffee."

NOW THAT SHE'S INTERESTED- Common signs of interest

Common signs of interest from the girl, applicable mostly in bar-room and club situations.
Stephanie Alexander, Maxim (
° She compliments you on virtually anything. Women are used to receiving compliments, not
giving them. So if she points out a positive characteristic, you’ve impressed her.
° She’s disagreeing but laughing. Flirtatious sarcasm, as in “Yeah, right, like I believe that!”
means she’s into you. If she weren’t, she’d simply “Uh-huh” you into oblivion.
° She keeps asking you to repeat yourself. She’s not allowing the blasting music to come between
the two of you. A suggestion of a quieter corner to talk in will be well received.
° She laughs at your lame junior high school–level jokes. She’s obviously lust drunk. Or maybe
just drunk.
° She touches you anywhere. Touch her back in the equivalent place, and let her up the ante, just
in case her touch was an accidental slip of the hand.
° She stays put. If you run to drain the monster and she’s still where you left her when you return,
you’re doing something right. Likewise if she comes back to you after she powders her nose.
° She doesn’t flinch. If you reach across her to grab a drink or an ashtray and she doesn’t pull
back, she’s feeling physically comfortable with you. Don’t blow it, pal.
° She says, “Hey, where ya goin’?” as you leave the bar. She’s angling for an invite. Even if she
ultimately says no (she may not feel safe going off with you or may not want to ditch her friends)
it’s a sign she’s game for a future hookup.
Update. Maxin, Clifford's Seduction newsletter: "I have built for myself a proximity alert system
When you walk into a room/store/bar etc, while a woman might be reluctant or too shy to make
eye contact, sometimes, on a conscious or unconscious level, she will reveal her interest through
proximity. Guys do this all the time. Have you ever walked into a bar and then made practically a
bee line for the hottest chick, if only to be near her and check her out more? And maybe you
"changed your mind" and instead of approaching her, you ordered a drink at the bar right next to
her? I've been in stores shopping where it seemed that a woman I had seen, put herself near me
several times over the course of 10-20 minutes. Coincidence? Maybe, but I don't really believe
that, and it's far more useful for me to believe that a woman finds me interesting or attractive and
is putting herself near me on purpose hoping that I may start something."


A woman's curiosity is a wonderful tool. You can use it anyway you like, but here is an example
of an excellent use if it. What you do, is you let her know, that you've just thought of a wonderful
nick-name for her. Leave a message on her answering-machine or send her an e-mail. Her
intrigue and curiosity towards you will skyrocket and for example if she hasn't been returning
your calls or e-mails for a week, you can expect a call or a mail in half an hour, I'm serious:) This
is also a wonderful way to kick-start a new relationship. Then of course, when she contacts you,
don't tell her the nickname (and by god, don't tell her you were only tricking her:), let her beg for
it, let her fry in her own curiosity. And whatever you do, don't give away the nickname over the
phone or through an e-mail, say it is too personal for that, get her to meet:) Now its your call,
when exactly you're going to tell her the nickname, but don't do it a minute too soon because
(now don't be surprised!:) she might be willing to make out with you and even end up in bed with
you just to find out her nickname:) During all this, it helps, if you actually really do have a
nickname for her:) And if it is sweet, endearing and romantic - all the better:) So when you
finally do give it to her, you might find her infinitely grateful to you:) Here's an example of an
initial e-mail on this subject (ASF):
"For whatever reason, as I was walking outside this evening, I thought of the most wonderful
nickname for you. Like have you ever been thinking about someone, and it's like you almost feel
their spirit gently whisper inside your mind, and you talk to them even though they may be miles
away. Some people look up at the moon and realise that the one that can share their deepest
thoughts can see the same moonlight that evening, drifting down through the clouds.
Anyway, I hope you, like me are having a great day.
[your phone number here]
If she doesn't call you, she ain't human. NEXT!
Update. If you really can't think of a nick-name on your own, you can use this advice by Anubis,
"Find a personality facet that shines (or which she thinks shines) and put aside an analogous
word that describes it. Then search for something about her appearance that glows with rarity (or
which she spends a lot of time trying to make glow) and put aside an analogous word to describe
You now have two romantic/endearing/sexy analogues which, when put together, perform the
wondrous neologic magic of a nickname!
Of course, if the magic goes a little sour, you'll have cooked up a nickname which even you can't
stomach. In that case, throw it in the bin and start again. It actually gets very easy once you've
done that a few times."

Patterning over the phone

Ross Jeffries: "The phone is an incredible way to do patterns because women feel they aren't
being observed and therefore can be a lot stronger in their responses."
The consensus of using the phone as a seduction device is divided. Most agree, that if you lack
any patterning skills, the phone is the kiss of death. Agree on a meeting, agree on her enthusiastic
greeting of you once the two of you meet (see "Closing"), if she seems to want to have a chit-chat
with you, talk to her a little using a low, confident, seductive voice (and smile while you do it,
she'll hear that:), but generally - just get off the phone as fast as you can!
On the other hand, the phone has been used to great effect to do patterning. There have even been
various reports of being able to make women orgasm without letting them toch themselves just
by describing various states to them over the phone. The women, by the way, were usually even
more shocked than the men running patterns on them - neither had previously thought such a
thing to be even possible:)
But I would still suggest to use the phone only in case you feel some resistance on her part to
meet you in person (which might happen if she has never met you in person before, for example
a girl you met and seduced online or just a friend of a friend or if she for some other reason is
disinclined to meet you in person right away). Because there is a world of difference between
hearing her sigh longingly over the phone or having her sit next to you, holding your hands and
wetting her lips:)
Ross Jeffries:
"You: (after some fluff talk) In fact, I don't know if you can recognise that with each little
giggle...with each breath you take...with each beat of your heart... you're growing more intrigued,
but anyway... just setting aside whatever pictures just keep popping into your mind when I say are you doing today?"

LONG-DISTANCE SEDUCTION- Become your own "friend" for her

Introduction to long-distance seduction
Although this guide has so far pretty much avoided the topic of long-distance seductions as it is
the belief of the author that the ability to perform on the field is what ultimately makes or brakes
a seducer, such techniques are important tools for many nevertheless. The ability to perform
long-distance becomes handy mostly due to various time or space constraints when you can not
have face-to-face interactions, but as an added bonus it can sometimes even prove to be more
efficient than a direct approach could or would have been (don't count on it though, just keep it in
mind when forced to go long-distace to keep you in good spirits:). Actually, most of the
suggestions in this guide can actually be incorporated into a long-distance seduction without too
much hassle anyway, but in addition to that you'll find a few more long-distance specific
techniques in this section of the guide.
Become your own "friend" for her
By Kent "Klorm" Sayre, Mindlist:
"Hi all! I've got a technique for you that helps get the initial response when responding to email
personal ads. I designed it for my friend and then realized that one person could use it.
Essentially, I answer a woman's personal ad on behalf of my friend. As we all know, someone
speaking highly of you is of course more persuasive than you tooting your own horn. Here's an
example message I've been sending on behalf of my friend and he's been getting a good number
of responses.
Hi there. I'm responding to your AOL profile on behalf of my friend Mark. I hear him saying
about the women he dates and the games that they play and how he has had enough of it. He's
looking for an honest, no-games-playing woman who likes to have fun. So, being his good
friend, I thought I'd do him this favor of replying because you seem like you'd be a good match
for him.
Now stop for a moment, as you sit there, looking at the screen, reading my message, and imagine
what it would be like to *enjoy yourself* out with a guy who is intelligent, funny, good-looking,
athletic, educated, and financially successful. While you imagine that guy, you might become
aware that the guy I'm having you imagine is my friend Mark. Naturally, you might now wonder
how you can *contact him*. And that's why I'm here. When you email Mark, tell him his good
friend Kent said you two appear to be an obvious match. His email is
Now, you may be asking yourself now, how easily can this technique be adapted to one person
acting alone? Well, the short answer is - very easily. All you need to do is be your own "friend".
Sign up for another email account, preferably at a different email service provider (e.g., hotmail)
and then send mail as your "friend" for yourself."

Presuppositions and other "mind-tricks"

Presuppositions are some of the most widely used "mind-tricks" in making it easier for the girl to
realise, what it is that she really wants (and then go with the flow:). They shift attention from
something (seemingly) unimportant as it has somehow already been agreed upon to the
(seemingly) important as it needs yet to be decided upon. In order to understand the question and
answer it ("would you like tea or coffee?") she has to accept the presupposition that accompanies
the question ("…before we go to my place":).
• "Would you like (something to drink) before (I take you home)?"
• "Would you like (another coke / whiskey) before (I take you home / we go to your place / we go
to my place)?"
Presuppositions can also be used in ordinary sentences to help her decide… or rather, decide for
her:) If you'd like to take a shower together with her after spending the night together, instead of
asking "Wanna take a shower? How about… um… we… together… um" say "I'll ready the
shower for us:)".
Here are a few more examples of how a simple sentence can help a girl sway towards the right
decision:) …or simply not leave her with much choice:) Use these to construct your own
Binds of comparable alternatives
• "So do you want to meet me again tomorrow over lunch, or over coffee? (keep talking!) e.g.
Either way, the most important thing is that we can carry on this conversation. Sound good to
• "So do you want to dance now, or wait until the next slow? (keep talking!) You're looking as if
YOU CAN'T WAIT to dance now. Let's go!?"
Cause & Effect
• "You won't get the most out of the music just thinking about it, since the best way to experience
it is to dance with me."
• "As you sit there, you know you have to dance before the night is out. Come:)"
Resistance-breaking patterns
Two mini-patterns using time distortion, binds of comparable alternatives and humour to break a
girl's resistance to getting together with you:
• "Won't it be great AFTER we've gone out and laughed and felt really comfortable together?
Then you can just look back at it all, smile that smile of satisfaction, and think to yourself: that
was one of the best times, I've ever had!"
• " I don't know, when we go out, whether it will be a wonderfully fun adventure or just an
incredibly enjoyable good time, but it sure will feel great to laugh that much, won't it?"
An example of using a combination of the above techniques and thought binding:
You: You know, I can tell you are a woman with great taste!
Her: How do you know?
You: Because you laugh at what I say. And the more you laugh, the more you'll recognise just
how attractive you find that... and the more you'll look forward to being with someone just like
that / the more you'll LOOK FORWARD to having the best time when we go out!
Her: (laughter)
You: See...just like that:)
You: Seriously...haven't you ever met someone, and you just knew you were going to like this
person (point to yourself), cause you could just STOP, and IMAGINE BEING TOGETHER,
feeling totally comfortable, and absolutely connected, for all the right reasons?
She: Yeah
You: Well, see? So, as you think about it like that..."
...then just keep chatting, transition to IC pattern, whatever.
Update. An example of a presupposition by Vampire2727, ASF: "After finding out what the girl
likes to do, talk with the assumption that you're going to do it: "Well, when we're doing [this and
this] together, it would be better if [something and something]"."

The Door pattern

This one is the "bad boy" of all patterns. Anyone who has studied SS and NLP and has come into
contact with the Door pattern, has found it to be evil and cruel, playing on the fears and deep
insecurities of women. To give you an idea of how bad this pattern actually is - even Ross
Jeffries himself has denounced this pattern and says that he does NOT encourage anyone to use
So... as always with stuff like that... "for educational purpose only":)
The Door pattern originated by Alex Domnikov. Mindlist:
"Whereas most patterns are about getting a woman into bed, The Door is aimed at controlling her
after you've started sleeping with her. Other patterns that you've used on her have anchored
immense pleasure to you. The Door creates an anchor for the loss of that pleasure.
You've already had intercourse with the girl. The ideal setting for the power of the door, which is
a power and control pattern, is right after you've had intercourse and you're in bed with the girl,
and at this time hopefully you've set up the fact that you're also the man of her dreams and fulfil
her emotional needs. You're fooling around in bed, you've already had a great time, and you go,
"sweetheart, what's that over there?" and you point towards the door. And she'll say, "well you
know, that's a door, silly." And you say, "yeah, you know.. I'm a real positive person, but.. I mean,
can you imagine.. I mean, you don't know what can happen from day to day, when you think
about it in your mind. I mean, what would happen if I walked out that door and the door closed
and as the door closed, it slammed shut, and no matter what you did, you could not open the door
and you knew that you would never be able to look into my eyes again and you'd never be able to
hear my voice again and you'd never be able to feel my touch again." Ok, right here is where she
starts going, "I don't like this door business at all." And at this time you just reassure her.. "ok,
alright sweetheart, you're right. You really shouldn't think about the door and you really don't
have to think about the door." So you go back to playing around with her some more. Have some
more fun with her, bring her to another orgasm or whatever and say, "you know, a terrible thing
happened the other day. My friend was hit by a truck. I mean, it was awful, by the time they got
him to hospital he was dead. I can't believe it, you know? It's almost as if, it would be a horrible
thing you know when you think about.." (point towards the door) "..that no matter even if you
were to get that door opened and you were to search, that you could never find me again.." Then
she starts freaking out. You calibrate more on that part of, "you will never be able to see me
again, you'll never be able to hear my voice again."
"You'll never be able.. all that fun we had together, all those great times we had together, walking
along the beach, hand in hand in the moonlight, we would never be able to do those things again
and even if you were to open that door, you would search and you could never find." And she's at
the point where she's saying, "no no I hate this door. Let's stop this door now, are you trying to
upset me?" And you say, "oh, I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm just saying these are just things that are
popping into my mind, ok?" So play around some more. Get her good and nice and hot again,
fool around, have a good time with her, joke, and then then get back into the door and say, "you
know, God, still you know, about life's tragedies.. I mean, I just keep on thinking how.." At this
point you can already see that this is starting to make her feel uncomfortable. You want to create
that sense in her that you can walk out and she'll feel terrible for the rest of here life. You want to
anchor that response. I'll get up and she'll say, "well what are you doing?" And I'll say, "I'm going
to the bathroom." I go up to the bedroom door and slam it. That right there will freak her out.
Then I'll open the door and say, "oh, I'm sorry. You know, I'm sorry, I'm just playing with this
door again. You know, you really shouldn't think about this door now and you really don't want to
think about this door now."
Having anchored that sense of loss and pain to the door, you can trigger it whenever needed.
Whatever negative behavior may come up that you want to stop, the first time you just get up and
slam the door. Whether you walk out the door depends on the level of bullshit. On later occasions
you can just indicate tbe door in some manner. The example Alex gives: If he's talking on the
phone and getting any crap from her, and he knows the relation of where the door is to her desk,
he says, "sweetheart, could you please turn right and take a look at what's over there.." and that
was the end of the bullshit."

The Void pattern

"Doesn't it sometimes make you stop and think how some people, despite having everything, just
feel lonely and empty and severely lacking? Well, I was reading about the life and times of John
Belushi... he had it all... the fame, the fortune, the houses... the women... but it appears that he
was just so lonely. So was Marilyn Monroe... on top of the world, with millions of men swooning
over her...she just felt so alone and left out.
I think it's really a common thing. Like, lots of people (point to her) just go on living from one
day to the next like a robot... perhaps getting amused, perhaps feeling some sort of achievement,
but deep inside, there's this hole inside them (point to her chest)... empty... hollow. It's like, you
ask yourself, "Is this it? Is this what I've been living for? This is it?"
I think that people, Jenny, are looking for that elusive "IT"... to fill the deep void and emptiness
inside them... whatever that is, it's the one thing that will just make you feel a sense of
wholeness, of completeness... of peace... ha-penis...
And when you have it, when it's right in front of you (you're in front of course), only then can
you begin to feel that wholeness and peace... or perhaps... that ecsatic, filling delight... filling you
up completely... making every pore of your body ooze with delicious, ecsatic pleasure... that's
when you know that you've found that part of you that was missing all along (point to self). You
are happy and complete.
But whatever that ha-penis (point to self) is, it's elusive... you'll have to GO FOR IT (point to
self) once you find the slightest chance... the slightest window of opportunity... you'll have to
GRAB IT. Or... it could slip away and you might just find it gone... and you'll be left only with
the thoughts of what could have been... the stuff that regrets are made of.
So...when you find your ha-penis right in front of you... Grab it! Right away!"

Backdoor Pleasure patterns

A completely hilarious collection of patterns by Rod Munch to get her to submit to and enjoy
anal sex:) Unbelieveable, I almost laughed my ass off (whoops?:) the first time I read them:) Rod
Munch, mindlist:
Pattern I
Purpose: To implant the idea of receiving pleasure from her ass.
Subject: Your Friend (who else?) Rod
Did I ever tell you about my friend Rod?  Well, he's a damn cool guy, but he got a new job.
Yeah, he's on the R&D team of some furniture company, (make up a name, Muncher Furniture
perhaps?).  Yeah, well he's working on a team and their job is to design the perfect chair.  Did
you ever have a favorite chair?  (of course she sez yes)  What was it like? I have to ask this stuff,
maybe I can give Rod some ideas.  (let her talk about the perfect chair).  Feed her info back to
her in the following part: Yeah, I know what you mean.  Isn't it great how you can have a favorite
seat, and after a hard, stressful day at work, you LOOK FORWARD TO PLOPPING YOUR
ASS/BUTT DOWN on that seat (point to schlong). And then you get there and you see that seat
(point to schlong) and you can already start to RELAX and FEEL SO GOOD just thinking about
how great it will feel when you LOWER YOUR ASS ONTO THAT SEAT (point to schlong!!!)
and think how great it will be to slowly SLIDE DOWN ONTO IT (point to schlong!!!).
Pattern II
Purpose: To program her with not only anal pleasure, but sexually oriented anal pleasure
Subject: Life's Little Surprises
Do you like surprises?  I think it's great how the best things in life are unexpected.  What was the
best surprise you've ever gotten?  And I'm not talking about a gift necesarrily, I mean just
something that happened that was so good, but was totally unexpected.
(Let her talk, get her in state)
Yeah, I can totally hear/feel/see what you mean.  Isn't it just great how the things in life that just
sneak up behind you unexpectedly?  I mean, there are things you know are coming and you can
see them, like, "Oh, it's Friday, I'm getting paid today."  Now that's in front of you, in your future,
but then the best things in life, the ones that can make you FEEL FULFILLED and FEEL SO
GOOD FROM YOUR BOTTOM to your top have a tendency to sneak up behind you and
COME FROM YOUR REAR.  And INSIDE YOU ASS yourself, "This is so great!  How can
something this great (point to schlong) just take me from behind and surprise me like this?"  I
mean, that facinates me, take a second and think about how the greatest things (point to schlong)
you have ever felt took you from the rear...think about that.  It's sexually facinating if you really
You know what else in interesting?  Is how simple words that I say can make you feel so good.
(remember you have been SSing her for a while by now).  It's like you feel these things (point to
schlong) COMING IN YOUR REAR, ENTERING YOUR REAR, being whispered to you, and
it can make you feel so good.  Don't you find that when I talk like that, when I DO IT, you can't
resist and you just OPEN YOUR REAR and LET IT SLIDE INSIDE YOU, hearing those words
and feeling so wonderful?
Pattern III
You know, I have this other friend, Rod, isn't it funny how I can have so many friends named
At any rate, he owns this dingy little steakhouse on the other side of town, called "Rod's Meat."
Anyways I was talking to his wife the other day over some drinks and she is kind of the manager
of the place.  But she was telling me how terrible her job routine, so boring.  Everyweek
she counts the money, writes the paychecks to the employees and supervises the food shipments.
Well, she was saying that her job was getting so boring, that she couldn't take it anymore.
Well, she got some relief one week when the meat shipment came in, and it was bigger than
usual, and she couldn't get it the same way she had been.  She had to totally change the process,
and she told me, "Sometimes you have to BREAK ROUTINE, and DO IT DIFFERENTLY."  She
said that she had to get the meat in the backdoor, where she had never gotten it before, and you
know it's funny, but that little break with routine, something as simple as when you GET THE
MEAT (point to schlong) IN THE BACKDOOR, can make you FEEL SO GOOD.
Course, it was a little harder for her at first, since she had never done it that way before, but once
she got started, and past the first part of it, as the process went on, she felt so good to have done
it differently.

Blow Job pattern

Pattern I
Kevin Kupal, mindlist: "Basically, it's a 3-step procedure.
1. Ask her about anything she really really loves to eat
2. Describe the sensation of eating that food and amplify with gustatory gusto
3. Link it to your dick using a "dick point".
Let's put flesh into it? Sure.
Me : Hey Alicia. What do you love to eat ? Something that really makes you salivate just by
thinking of it ?
Alicia : Oh... I love fresh ripe mangoes from Hawaii / strawberries from Ohio... oh yes...
Me: Ripe mangoes huh? Mmmm....that's yummy. I don't know if you can IMAGINE...
SUCKING into one sweet, delicious, juicy mango NOW... mmm... can you taste the sweetness of
the mango... swishing INSIDE YOUR MOUTH... mmm... soo tasty... doesn't that give you lots of
pleasure and ha-PENIS just thinking about that? Mmm... I bet, if there were a mango here NOW,
you'd WANT IT IN YOUR MOUTH (point to dickee!).
Hehehe... this pattern makes me salivate myself... hope I don't go looking for... (gasp)"
Update. Pattern II. Here's the "real" BJ pattern:) Ross Jeffries:
"I was just sitting here thinking about taking a vacation, if you could imagine your ideal vacation
spot what would it be like? (Stop and let her talk)
You know, I think its so interesting how people connect with their hopes and their desires and
their daydreams, right? ... I was reading this article the other day about compulsions and it got me
to thinking about the difference between compulsion and anticipation.
I mean, have you ever come home from a hard day of work and the boss was a jerk and kept
piling the papers up on you desk and its like all you can think of is dropping your clothes and
getting into that steamy hot bath or shower.
Its like before you even step in you can already feel that heat working its way through every
muscle in your body and all your frustrations just drop away and all you can feel is the pleasure
of that warmth just shooting through every part of you.
And then there's that moment of sliding in where you really let that pleasure take you and it just
feels great doesn't it?
Yeah well, do you like chocolate? (Or is there a food that when you see it you absolutely have to
put it in your mouth?). I mean, can you stop and remember a time when you saw a piece of
chocolate and your mouth is already tasting it before you even put it in, and you can already taste
that sweetness against your tongue and you can feel the special rich texture of it against your
tongue as well. You know that texture that really good chocolate has.
And then there's that moment, that moment when the first molecule of chocolate touches your
tongue and you know it's inside your mouth and you just want to keep it there because it's so rich
and so good. And there's that extra special warmth when you swallow that sweetness down.
Or then maybe, you know like sometimes you meet someone and you're really attracted to them
and you both know it and there's that moment when your eyes lock, it's that special look just
before you kiss, just before you do it the very first time and you're trembling with anticipation
and your heart is pounding because you're thinking about how good it's going to be.
It's like every physical moment of that relationship is enfolded/contained or rolled into that first
touch of the lips and there's that excitement, with that first soft contact of the lips where you
don't even know if you are touching or not but then, oh man, it's like a jolt of electricity all
through you.
(See I think what happens is the conscious mind goes down into the subconscious and brings
back up all these thoughts, images, desires and fantasies, and you may think those thoughts are
above me, but really I think they're blow me _____ because you're coming from a much deeper
part and your mine aren't you?)"
Update. Pattern III. Freeqshow, Clifford's Seduction Newsletter:
"Here's an email I have used to great success:
"Your notes are sooooooo sweet, I could just... well, you know what I could just do. Anyways, I
so enjoyed talking to you today. Time just seems to fly by doesn't it?
So I was thinking, is there some fruit that you just can't wait to put in your mouth? Like if you
were to think about it, you could just feel how the skin would taste on your lips, and as you took
that first delicious bite you could just imagine how soft and tender it feels as it slips past your
lips and begins to caress your tongue with a hundred flavors that you just can't wait to have. And
as that nectar started to flow, to the point where your mouth became filled with all those sweet
warm juices that you love so much, you just knew you would die if you spilled even one drop. I
don't know about you, but I think about things like this all the time.
You know, all this has got me thinking... you ever have one of those Sugar Daddy's. You know,
that caramel candy on a stick that takes all day to eat. You know I think that thing is about six
inches long when you first unwrap it but the more you nibble on it and suck it deep inside your
mouth and just let your tongue do it's work...eventually you come to the point where it's real soft
and you know that's just about the best thing you ever had in your mouth and you just feel all that
hot warm gooey candy just slide down your throat and when you're all finished you just let out a
little sigh of ecstasy because it was so good and you know you can always have one when you
really want it. You know?"

Find That Girl pattern

This is a good one to use if she is bitter, down and thinks all men are scum.
Ross Jeffries: "Where is the girl that lived in your mind? Remember the little one; the one that
believed in love? Maybe she dreamed of that ideal man she'd one day give her heart to, and she
knew at that moment she dreamt of him, she had already fallen in love. And each day, each
moment of her life, she carried that love with her in her heart, waiting for the day when it could
be released; released and given to the one who was worthy.(Point to yourself). What would it be
like to realise that after all the sorrow and tears... that person had come along?(point to yourself)
If you were to LOOK for that girl within your heart and mind... and LISTEN to the message...
she is sending you... NOW... how do you feel?"

Indifference to Attraction pattern

Try these, if you're dying to make love to a female friend of yours:)
Pattern I. Ross Jeffries:
"Have you ever looked at somebody (sp) and seen her in a completely new light? Maybe even
someone, who you never thought you could even like (sp, if you don't know her very well or she
exhibits signs of indifference for you, otherwise point away from yourself), or maybe it was just a
friend or acquaintance of yours (sp, if this is the case), but for some inexplicable reason you start
finding him attractive. You start to think, how much fun it would be for the two or you to be
together. You imagine yourself with him (sp) having the time of your life. And slowly you start to
forget, what you used to think about this person before and just let go with all these new and
fantastic feelings you're experiencing.
Like my friend Christina was telling me, that's how she met her boyfriend. They used to go to the
same lectures/meetings/office, but he never thought much of the guy, he was just there and that
was it. Then suddenly she started feeling drawn and attracted to him. And now she thinks he is
the best guy she's ever been with. She told me he makes her feel… mmm… that kind of a feeling,
deep inside (touch solar plexus:)"
Pattern II. Ross Jeffries:
"Have you ever been attracted to someone who wasn't even your type physically?
Like I have this friend Nancy. And when I met Nancy, I didn't think she was that appealing. I had
little feelings for her whatsoever. But then when I started to get to know her, I started to notice
certain things, like the first thing I noticed is that she has an absolutely great sense of humor. I
mean have you ever been around someone who makes you laugh so much, just the minute you
see them you're already waiting to laugh, like all they have to do is look at you and you bust out
The other thing I noticed about her is that she really likes herself, I mean her attitude was, hey,
being with me is the best thing that could possibly happen to you, you had better take advantage
of it right now before that chance slips away forever.
Then one day, I found myself looking through a new set of eyes. You ever look at someone(pt)
through a new set of eyes. Its like I look inside and, OH MY GOD, when I look at her like that,
this person is really beautiful.
I think when that happens to someone (point to her) with me in my way of thinking what I think
happens is when you go inside yourself, and you find those values that are most important to you
in a relationship and you think about the qualities in a personality you want your ideal lover to
have and then you just find those and link them up with the person you're talking to (self-point),
in such a way that you begin to think things differently, you then start to look through the eyes of
attraction, cause I think when you look through the eyes of attraction, look through the eyes of
desire, that's when you can make that connection, and really feel that growing.
Now that whole process can take weeks, even months of getting to know someone. But I think
the real wonder is to find yourself really wondering what would it be like to surrender to the
magic of that instantaneously and make that connection . . now and really feel that attraction to
someone (sp). Wouldn't that be great? Isn't it just great to experience that and let it happen?"
Update. Pattern III. From an unknown source:
"Have you ever known someone who you weren't really attracted to but then, for some
mysterious reason, you just suddenly found that you started to THINK THINGS DIFFERENTLY
"I mean, I think sometimes people really don't know what they want, at least consciously... but
then it's like YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND DIVES DOWN (gesture action) into your
subconsciousness, and just (gesture action) BRINGS BACK UP ALL THOSE DESIRES AND
"I mean, like my neighbour looked at me a couple days ago, and right out of the blue she took me
by the hands (take her by the hands) and says "Can you IMAGINE IF WE WERE KISSING, and
I was touching you where and how you love to be touched, kissing the way you want, and you
were starting to FEEL INCREDBLY TURNED ON, so hot and turned on you like you have
never been turned on before, up to the point where you simply had to have me?"
"Can you believe she said that? Well, I was totally shocked and just managed to spit out "Yes!".
Although actually, I should had played back and said "Can YOU imagine ME going down on
MAKING YOU SO HOT AND WET. Now, can YOU feel that pleasure just building, pulsing
and throbbing all through your body? Can you IMAGINE THAT FEELING, can you FEEL
THAT RIGHT NOW? (squeeze her hands - plant an anchor) Can you SEE ALL THOSE IMAGES
OF GOOD LOVING, big and bright, really turning you on?"
Note: This might be all that it takes - just fire off the anchor and get in there - or if you feel you
need more:
"Well that really got me so turned on. Now I feel that the experience of someone starting to
FEEL UNBELIVABLY TURNED ON has a structure and a sequence to it. Like for some people,
first they REALLY FEEL THOSE FEELINGS (fire anchor) and then they start to SEE THOSE
mine are moving. Are your images moving or still images?"
(Her: xxx)
"Right. I've found that the image and feelings sometimes bleed together... so as the IMAGES
radiating and pulsing all through your body, and that MAKES THE PICTURES BIGGER, which