Saturday 3 December 2011

Backdoor Pleasure patterns

A completely hilarious collection of patterns by Rod Munch to get her to submit to and enjoy
anal sex:) Unbelieveable, I almost laughed my ass off (whoops?:) the first time I read them:) Rod
Munch, mindlist:
Pattern I
Purpose: To implant the idea of receiving pleasure from her ass.
Subject: Your Friend (who else?) Rod
Did I ever tell you about my friend Rod?  Well, he's a damn cool guy, but he got a new job.
Yeah, he's on the R&D team of some furniture company, (make up a name, Muncher Furniture
perhaps?).  Yeah, well he's working on a team and their job is to design the perfect chair.  Did
you ever have a favorite chair?  (of course she sez yes)  What was it like? I have to ask this stuff,
maybe I can give Rod some ideas.  (let her talk about the perfect chair).  Feed her info back to
her in the following part: Yeah, I know what you mean.  Isn't it great how you can have a favorite
seat, and after a hard, stressful day at work, you LOOK FORWARD TO PLOPPING YOUR
ASS/BUTT DOWN on that seat (point to schlong). And then you get there and you see that seat
(point to schlong) and you can already start to RELAX and FEEL SO GOOD just thinking about
how great it will feel when you LOWER YOUR ASS ONTO THAT SEAT (point to schlong!!!)
and think how great it will be to slowly SLIDE DOWN ONTO IT (point to schlong!!!).
Pattern II
Purpose: To program her with not only anal pleasure, but sexually oriented anal pleasure
Subject: Life's Little Surprises
Do you like surprises?  I think it's great how the best things in life are unexpected.  What was the
best surprise you've ever gotten?  And I'm not talking about a gift necesarrily, I mean just
something that happened that was so good, but was totally unexpected.
(Let her talk, get her in state)
Yeah, I can totally hear/feel/see what you mean.  Isn't it just great how the things in life that just
sneak up behind you unexpectedly?  I mean, there are things you know are coming and you can
see them, like, "Oh, it's Friday, I'm getting paid today."  Now that's in front of you, in your future,
but then the best things in life, the ones that can make you FEEL FULFILLED and FEEL SO
GOOD FROM YOUR BOTTOM to your top have a tendency to sneak up behind you and
COME FROM YOUR REAR.  And INSIDE YOU ASS yourself, "This is so great!  How can
something this great (point to schlong) just take me from behind and surprise me like this?"  I
mean, that facinates me, take a second and think about how the greatest things (point to schlong)
you have ever felt took you from the rear...think about that.  It's sexually facinating if you really
You know what else in interesting?  Is how simple words that I say can make you feel so good.
(remember you have been SSing her for a while by now).  It's like you feel these things (point to
schlong) COMING IN YOUR REAR, ENTERING YOUR REAR, being whispered to you, and
it can make you feel so good.  Don't you find that when I talk like that, when I DO IT, you can't
resist and you just OPEN YOUR REAR and LET IT SLIDE INSIDE YOU, hearing those words
and feeling so wonderful?
Pattern III
You know, I have this other friend, Rod, isn't it funny how I can have so many friends named
At any rate, he owns this dingy little steakhouse on the other side of town, called "Rod's Meat."
Anyways I was talking to his wife the other day over some drinks and she is kind of the manager
of the place.  But she was telling me how terrible her job routine, so boring.  Everyweek
she counts the money, writes the paychecks to the employees and supervises the food shipments.
Well, she was saying that her job was getting so boring, that she couldn't take it anymore.
Well, she got some relief one week when the meat shipment came in, and it was bigger than
usual, and she couldn't get it the same way she had been.  She had to totally change the process,
and she told me, "Sometimes you have to BREAK ROUTINE, and DO IT DIFFERENTLY."  She
said that she had to get the meat in the backdoor, where she had never gotten it before, and you
know it's funny, but that little break with routine, something as simple as when you GET THE
MEAT (point to schlong) IN THE BACKDOOR, can make you FEEL SO GOOD.
Course, it was a little harder for her at first, since she had never done it that way before, but once
she got started, and past the first part of it, as the process went on, she felt so good to have done
it differently.

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