Saturday 3 December 2011

Feeling Drawn patterns

Pattern I. Ross Jeffries:
"Isn't it interesting how everyone is so different yet in so many ways we are all the same.
I mean for example, I don't know what it is you do, when you decide for yourself that you really
want to be with someone, and you know it's what you want, cause you find yourself imagining it
... you picture it in your mine and you look forward to it for all the right reasons. Reasons that are
right to you because you know its what you want, but I think you know a person can find that
when that's what's taking place, wow, what a difference in the way they think and just how
readily you then begin to make time for this special person you are now connecting so strongly
Its a totally different experience, its like you feel almost magnetically drawn to this person, you
know what I mean? And sometimes I think a person wouldn't even know that that's what's taking
place until afterwards. And you look back on it as one of those amazing memories you treasure/
cherish for the rest of your life ... now ... with me as I think long and hard about it I think that's
the process of discovering that a person is being drawn to another person."
Pattern II. Ross Jeffries:
"You know, how you can have thoughts that cause you to feel fascination. Like, I was thinking
about how, for many people falling in love can sometimes take months. But have you ever
thought about what it would be like for you to fall in love instantaneously where you feel like
you were talking to your soulmate (point).
I mean, imagine there being someone who was selected for you, picked out long before you were
born. I mean if you were to feel that way, now.. I think you may be surprised to find yourself
beginning to almost feel magically enchanted; and you might find yourself wanting to be with
this person in a very special way.
Because, when a person feels they have met their soulmate, like when you imagine this person
being your dream lover (sp), I think you would feel a mysterious yet powerful loving connection
taking place between you and him that when . . that's really happening . . with me in my way of
thinking what is happening is . . you go inside yourself (down into your subconscious) and you
find all those values that are most important to you in a relationship and you think about the
qualities in a personality you want your ideal lover to have (sp), and then find those and link
them up with the person you're talking to (sp), in such a way that a picture of him (frame), for
whatever mysterious reason gets locked permanently in that special place in your mind where
you deeply love and care for someone (sp), to the point where as that picture gets bigger and
brighter and the sounds inside you mmmmm intensify, you might find yourself thinking of other
things, where all your resistance is falling away and you just can't control yourself and you just
want to go wild with it.
Isn't that truly the mystery of falling in love that we all dream of?"
Pattern III. An example of simple attraction pattern combined with a kino approach/close. Best
used after having established rapport, having created states of pleasure and having made her
already interested. Daniel, ASF:
"You know... sometimes... when I meet someone I get this feeling inside (PTS)... I don't know
what it is... but I know it feels good (PTS)... and I can't help but want to get close to that person
and get to know her... (point to her)... do you ever get that feeling when you meet a guy (PTS)?
(Let her say stuff... if its positive move on, if negative do some more rapport building...)
Passion and desire (touch her neck)... the feeling that you cant hold back... you want to touch the
person (PTS or if u feel brave take her hand and make it touch your chest)... the desire builds and
builds (touch her arm)... your mind goes numb because the feeling is so pleasurable... (touch her
arm)... your legs get shaky (touch her hips) and your tummy feels weird (touch her stomach)"
(Note: she should be fucking dripping... and if she ain't you shouldn't have launched these without
establishing anchors and rapport. If she's ok, smile and look in her eyes and DON'T say a
fucking thing for 3 seconds)
Passion and desire.. (touch neck and pull her a little closer)
(KINO TIME, kiss etc. BTW its more effective if you are both sitting down...)"
Pattern IV. Ask the girl what does it feel like to be attracted to somebody - by feeding her with
the answers yourself to make her feel exactly that, while you have already linked those feelings
to "being attracted to someone". Devious:) Daniel J. Mocsny, ASF:
""When you find a man attractive, where do you feel it first? Do you feel butterflies in your
stomach? Does your face start to tingle? Does your throat tighten up a little and make it hard for
you to speak? When you realize that you find a man attractive, how do you behave around him to
let him know you are interested before he has let you know he's interested?"
You can learn a lot from observing how she reacts to these kinds of questions, in addition to
whatever she says. For example, if these questions make her obviously uncomfortable in an
unpleasant kind of way, you should go talk to another woman. On the other hand, if she launches
enthusiastically into a wide-eyed description of how she feels and acts, and she begins fixing her
attention on you and smiling, then you are successfully flirting with her.
If you can get a woman to talk about the process by which she feels attraction and expresses it,
that gives her an opportunity to move her mind into that state."

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