Saturday 3 December 2011

"Too bad we don't… but if we could…" pattern

Starts out with a "flower modification" of the IC pattern. ASF:
You: You like flowers don't you?
Her: Sure
You: And you like getting flowers from someone who means something to you, don't you? It
makes you feel all warm and special doesn't it?
Her: Yeah
You: I bet you've got a favourite kind of flower. Don't tell me what it is, I just want you to think
about it for a minute. You know, I was talking with a friend the other day, and she started telling
me about how we don't take time to smell the flowers anymore. And I thought, but wouldn't it be
great if we did? I mean, can you imagine what it's like to have someone special just hand you
your favourite kind of flower, in person, face to face, and imagine what it's like to inhale that
enchanting fragrance again, right now? And as you look into the eyes of that person right there in
front of you, and feel that smile welling up, don't you just start to feel really good, and begin to
feel a special bond with him? I mean have you ever felt an instantaneous connection with
someone? Me, I know I have. It's like I begin to feel like I've know this person forever, and I was
always meant to know them, and you can just imagine a time in the future, say six months from
now, still feeling that wonderful sense of connection, looking back on today as having been the
start of it all. Can you feel that is a wonderful thing to experience?
Her: (whatever she says)
You: She also said we don't take time to savour the experiences we've had in the past .. the feelings
of love we've had .. (Insert here) But oh man, when you do! It's like . .[go into a description
of the feelings of being in love .. the faster heart rate, the anticipation of being with the loved
one, etc.]
You: She said that we gulp food and don't take time to even enjoy our desert. I love dessert,
especially ice cream. You know (Blow Job pattern, anyone?:)
Basically: have your "friend" say, "It's too bad we don't do or can't do X." And then you say, "But
if you could . . ." And then go on to describe the state you want.

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