Saturday 3 December 2011

The Void pattern

"Doesn't it sometimes make you stop and think how some people, despite having everything, just
feel lonely and empty and severely lacking? Well, I was reading about the life and times of John
Belushi... he had it all... the fame, the fortune, the houses... the women... but it appears that he
was just so lonely. So was Marilyn Monroe... on top of the world, with millions of men swooning
over her...she just felt so alone and left out.
I think it's really a common thing. Like, lots of people (point to her) just go on living from one
day to the next like a robot... perhaps getting amused, perhaps feeling some sort of achievement,
but deep inside, there's this hole inside them (point to her chest)... empty... hollow. It's like, you
ask yourself, "Is this it? Is this what I've been living for? This is it?"
I think that people, Jenny, are looking for that elusive "IT"... to fill the deep void and emptiness
inside them... whatever that is, it's the one thing that will just make you feel a sense of
wholeness, of completeness... of peace... ha-penis...
And when you have it, when it's right in front of you (you're in front of course), only then can
you begin to feel that wholeness and peace... or perhaps... that ecsatic, filling delight... filling you
up completely... making every pore of your body ooze with delicious, ecsatic pleasure... that's
when you know that you've found that part of you that was missing all along (point to self). You
are happy and complete.
But whatever that ha-penis (point to self) is, it's elusive... you'll have to GO FOR IT (point to
self) once you find the slightest chance... the slightest window of opportunity... you'll have to
GRAB IT. Or... it could slip away and you might just find it gone... and you'll be left only with
the thoughts of what could have been... the stuff that regrets are made of.
So...when you find your ha-penis right in front of you... Grab it! Right away!"

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