Monday 10 October 2011

Be Detached From the Result. Stop caring about whether The Girl Approves You or Not.

Guys who are naturals at attracting women are detached from the
outcome. Imagine approaching a woman and being turned down; or
even worse; imagine having this done in front of your friends? How
would you feel?
For most guys nothing can be more disastrous than getting rejected.
Nevertheless, guys who are masters at attracting women understand
that rejection doesn’t amount to anything.
It is just a part and parcel of the game, and they aren’t concerned
about the woman’s reaction, because all they care about is having fun
and nothing else.

Take two examples here for instance-
Scenario #1
Guy- “Hey! How are you doing?”
Girl- “Buzz off! Jerk.”
Guy- “Oh… I am Sorry” (And Leaves).
Scenario #2
Guy- “Hey! How are you doing?”
Girl- “Buzz off! Jerk.”
Guy- “oooh! You seem to be having a bad day…My maa told me to
be careful around angry chicks…I am scared. Bye Bye.”
Girl- Stands there surprised with her jaw dropped.
Now who do you think had more fun? No prizes for guessing here,
because when you are outcome independent, you won’t really care
about the girl’s response. All you will care about is how to make the
best out of every interaction

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