Monday 10 October 2011

Don't Seek Approval or Validation From the Girl...

The concept of seeking validation revolves around the story that is
going on in your head, and it all comes down to how you feel about

Guys who are approval seekers normally have low self-esteem, and
have a habit of giving their power away in order to seek acceptance
or validation from the female; which means they fear losing the girl
even before the conversation has started…
Therefore, they do anything and everything to prevent possible
This is the sort of a guy, who isn’t sure whether his actions are right or
not, and this makes him seek validation from the girl, He does this just
to be sure that he is doing the right thing.
In a nutshell, here is what goes on in an approval seekers mind at the
sight of an attractive female….
I am strongly interested in her

Oh my god she is so good looking

I hope everything goes fine.
This is where he ends up being a TRY-HARD and gives his power
away just to gain some approval.
So what effect does this have on the female? Well, here is what goes
on in her mind…

WOW…This guy sure is trying hard to keep my attention…

On top of that, he is boring.

I wonder when this night would end.
The moment a girl realizes that you are seeking her approval; she
would be turned off within seconds.
Always remember that attraction isn’t something she has control
over. Seeking approval is a strong attraction killer, and she would
never show any real interest in you as long as you seek her approval.

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