Friday 14 October 2011

One Way To Act Like An Alpha Male

Here's one way you can start acting like an alpha male to your peers: Help them deal with their common enemy.
For example, let's say you're doing a group project and there's a big bitch in the group who likes to boss everyone around. Everybody hates her and nobody dares to do anything because she has such a strong personality.
Your quickest way to power within the group is by busting this bitch in front of everyone. Take care of her for your peers, and before you know it everybody in group will see you as their leader and protector. You can then use your new boys to help build you social proof with women. Invite them out when you go out and act like a leader. Women will see it and think "wow" subconsciously.
Here's a good analogy. Be the alpha wolf and take care of your pack, and the female wolves will be all over you!

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