Monday 28 November 2011

Passion to Passion pattern

This pattern will actually be constructed by her. All you have to do is to carry her description of a
passion for something over to a passion for someone (and not forgetting to self-point while doing
that:) and ask her, how would that feel.
By Kevin Kupal, mindlist:
"It works well because you'll be seducing her from her own side of the fence, using feelings that
she already feels about something she's "passionate" about, as opposed to trying to install feelings
from the outside.
I have field tested this and have come to one general conclusion: it works only in women who
have a "passion" for something... be it mountainclimbing, biking, helping people etc. It fails with
"boring" women... the types who say "I only stay at home and watch TV".
Here are the steps.
1. Find out if she has any activity she feels "passionate" about. Most likely, these may be her
work, her hobby, extra-curricular activities (if still in school)... anything she would do even if she
did it for free.
2. Ask her... what's important to you in doing (activity)? What do you feel when you go
(activity)?  C'mon, tell me what it feels like when you're there, actually doing (activity). At this
point, I am actually putting her in an internal rep of actually doing that activity, and associating
her into the states the she feels while doing the activity. I'm eliciting feelings/criteria. You're
basically looking for nominalized "feelings" such as "satisfaction" , fulfillment, love, challenge,
"rush" etc.
3.Then, feedback these nominalized "feelings" and  link these to you. I was just
wondering...well...a funny thought occurred to me...what would it be like when you just find
yourself feeling all those feelings you have for (activity) for another person (point to self)?  Can
you imagine what's it like if those feelings you have for (activity), you also feel for, let's say, your
boyfriend (point to self) ?
Me: I was just wondering, what do you really love doing? Name something that you would do
that you find so engrossing that you'd do it, even if you were never paid to do it?
Her: Well... when I get some stacked up vacation leaves, I go mountain climbing with the local
mountain climbing association.
Me : like mountain climbing. I'm curious...what is it about mountain climbing that
makes you love it? What do you feel when you're mountain climbing? What's it like when you're
there now, mountain climbing?
Her: Well...uphill its very hard and steep...but once you get to the summit, you can feel the wind
on your face...all that exhiliration...freedom...sense of accomplishment and just this feeling of
fulfillment...those make the hike worth every step...
Me: (giggle a little)...A funny thought just came over me. I'm just wondering, what would it be
like if you could feel all those feelings in another human being? I mean, what if you could just
IMAGINE, having a boyfriend (point to self, subtly) who also makes you FEEL ALL THAT
FULFILLMENT. When YOU'VE FOUND THAT GUY, when the time comes that YOU'RE
LOOKING AT HIM...feeling all those feelings...NOW what would it be like?
Her : Gee...I'd do him just as much as I do mountain climbing...and with equal passion...oh...I
didn't mean it like I said it! (hahaha...Freudian slip!)
(yada yada)"

Believing the Supernatural patterns

Three themes that mean more to girls than you can probably guess are here for you to elaborate
on:) Daniel, ASF:
"Our paths crossed not just by chance, but there is a reason for everything that happens, like i met
you and you met me and on some level this will work out to be a positive experience for both of
"You know people have energies, you can just sense these vibes coming from people, like i sense
the feeling that you are a social, fun and someone who is comfortable with themselves and
interacting with other people, someone who isnt afraid to get to know someone on a deeper level,
a level that reaches past the casual introduction and into the level of deep and profound
"I believe in a higher being, someone who looks after you and make sure you meet ppl who you
can get comfortable with, after all your destiny is to meet someone who appreciates you and what
you think"

The Rose patterns

Pattern I
An excellent pattern by Brother Soul, Mindlist:
"The basic theory of this pattern is to use it as a method to take the woman into a deep trance
(she will actually assist you – isn’t that great?!?!) and put your picture in her place where she
loves someone and then lock it in as absolutely true. Now, this type of pattern will create a real
obsession and will lock in her feelings for you. The one problem is that it really shouldn’t be
used in most contexts unless you are really sure that this is a keeper. So, use of this pattern is
very very dangerous. Please use caution because you just might have created an obsessive
person. This basically creates a strong compulsion via submodality shifts and locks in that
change. My suggestion is to use this on your girlfriend or wife.
The setup for this pattern is to engage the woman in conversation. I will assume, for the purposes
of this pattern, that you are able to get her into fluff talk. During the fluff talk, develop rapport,
and ask about how sometimes you have a down day and feel bad. Then tell her you learned this
great visualization exercise in a relaxation book. Now, women love talking about and doing
anything related to self-help and improving themselves. Ask her if you could show her this
exercise that will allow her to feel really great at any time (most woman will agree to this – if she
doesn't, well... you're out of luck... and would you want her anyway???).
(Note: First, have her close her eyes and set it up as a visualization exercise to help her feel
good... absolutely wonderful, at any time she wishes)
You know, I learned this great visualization exercise that really helps you pick yourself up when
you aren’t feeling that great. It really has helped me just perk myself up during the day and just
make me feel wonderful. Would you like me to show it to you, so that you too can do this and
feel absolutely wonderful? It will only take a minute or two and really will bless you with the
things it can do for you.
Her: Oh yes. I would love that. Yada Yada Yada.
Okay. I would love to share this with you and really contribute to your happiness [notice the setup
for reciprocity]. I invite you to visualize a mental screen much like a movie screen, in front of
you. As you see this mental screen, allow yourself to see your favorite flower. And, as you see
this flower, allow the full sensory rich detail of the flower to be on the mental screen. See it in
vivid color, each detail of the flower springing forth. Now, if I were to ask you which type of
flower you are seeing, what would you say was the type of the flower? (good way to learn her
favorite flower)
Her: Roses (tulips, carnations, etc.)
Doesn’t it FEEL WONDERFUL to see the rose in such beautiful detail? As you see that flower,
see the beautiful color of the rose. Allow the rich texture of it to become alive. While you see this
color, hear the rustle of the petals as you see the wind blow slightly against the petal. And, reach
out and allow the smell to become stronger, richer, and oh so beautiful. You can notice that it
Now, as you look at this beautiful rose... if you were to visualize a picture of a family member
you love dearly, like say your child, parent, or someone special, where would it be on the mental
screen. Allow yourself to notice the location of where that picture was (notice presupp. here).
What would really make that rose wonderful, would be to place that rose in the same location as
where you saw the picture of the family member. As you now see the picture of the rose in that
special place, let each petal of the rose represent some aspect of a goal, dream, or wish you want
to have in your life. Allow YOUR UNCONSCIOUS mind to place those goals, dreams, and
wishes in the flower. As you do this, see me in that picture smiling as you hand me that rose to
hold for you. Allowing you to FEEL WONDERFUL at the knowledge that you can ask for the
rose at any moment and I will hand it to you and making you FEEL SO WONDERFUL.
Now as you feel these feelings, see that picture becoming more clear, more focused. The picture
is full of rich texture, reach three-dimensional detail. Allow the smell to grow, smell the sweet
scent of the flower. Allow the picture to grow larger, with each breath, it grows larger. And as
you see it grow, the picture comes closer to you…become more clear. Moving closer to you. See
the color becoming more vivid, more detailed. And, it becomes more sharp, and becomes more
and more like a movie... with movement.
Now, allow YOUR MINE to take this flower within yourself. Sometimes, the conscious mind
gets in the way of your growth. Allow YOUR UNCONCIOUS mind to find that special place
within you. That special place where you hold everything to be absolutely true. You know where
that special place is, and as you feel and sense that special place, allow the picture of me holding
that flower to GO DEEP INSIDE within that special place and lock in there. As that picture of

me holding the flower locks in, hear the clanging sound similar to the slamming of a gate. You
know that the picture is now locked into your place of absolute truth.
Now, it might surprise you how your unconscious mind will allow this picture of me holding the
flower to pop up during your days to remind you of these wonderful feelings and allow you to
FEEL SO FABULOUS. And, during your sleep, your unconcious mind will allow this to become
a dream….helping you to FEEL SO GOOD.
Now, this pattern does not rely on embedded commands to create a horny state in the woman.
But, let me assure you, by the end of this pattern, the woman will be so wet for you. The great
thing about this pattern is, that it not only creates physical arousal, it also creates the "warm
fuzzies" that creates rapport and connection with you. Its like a two for one deal. The key to the
pattern is that it links you to all her hopes, wishes, desires, and dreams (you holding the flower)
and places that picture of you (moving pictures) in the location where she has pictures of those
that she loves. Now the kicker is, that it moves that picture into her place of absolute truth to
forever lock her love to you. The whole process of asking her to allow you to show this to her is
that it really takes her (with her own help) into a trance, a highly relaxing trance."
Pattern II
You can make her feel good, warm and trustful by having her imagine the symbol of eternal love
and happyness - the rose - in extravagant detail. Notice the messages of the fleeting nature beauty
and seizing/enjoying the moment. The seduction was conducted via the internet (thus all the
"imagine me hugging you" stuff etc:), but as always - tailor it to your own needs. By Jobet
Claudio, Mindlist:
Me: Look...when you think about it...everything is fleeting. It's not how long you've had a guy...
it's the wonderful memories that you can share together, right here, and right now. Let me give
you an example. Imagine... a rose. A beautiful rose... now... hold it by the stem... gently... mind
the thorns... now... look at the petals... notice the soft color of the petals... and how soft the petals
are to touch... how silky smooth they are... it's such a wonderful, beautiful thing of creation...
now... look at it in wonder of nature's beauty. Realize now... that this rose... may not look like this
any more... perhaps in a couple of hours... it will lose its freshness as it eventually withers. But
what's important... right now... is that you are looking at it... in all its splendour and beauty. Right
now, you have it... for you to enjoy. For your eyes to look at... for it to warm your heart and make
you feel so good. Its just like love. It may not always be there... it may be with you for only a
short time... what's important... is to make every moment count... to make every memory of it a
wonderful thing to look back upon.
Her: [a simulated response on the general theme of being mistrustful] But I can't trust anyone
anymore. I'll just get hurt again.
Me: [a trust-building image in response to the above] Okay. This will make YOU FEEL BETTER.
Take a deep breath... and that rose that you're holding... now... I'm handing back this rose...
back to you...take it gently from my hand... Now... doesn't that feel so good... just to realize that
you can trust someone with your deepest longings... your fondest dreams... your greatest desires?
I'll be there if you need me. last thing...what I want you to do... is to look down at
where that good feeling is coming from... and notice how it can get twice as strong... twice as
good when you allow it to grow (go for 10 X after you're done with this).
Her: [a simulated response on the general theme of feeling so good that it made her cry] Enough
enough! No more please! [silence] You made me cry here on my computer, you know, it felt so
Me: Okay okay... here... I'm hugging you now... feel the warmth of my arms."
Pattern III
To make the imaginary rose you give her feel even more special, you can use the following
excerpt suggested by Ned Ragdnuos on ASF:
"Picture a rose in your mind, smell the fragrance, see the frops of sparkling dew on the leaves,
feel how the thorns are so sharp they penetrate your skin, yet somehow the feeling is pleasurable,
like the feelings of SURRENDER, NOW TO ME I find that when I give a rose with my
imagination, it's so much more real that those roses that other guys give, because they fade away
(point away), whereas (continue describing how the rose you have given her will stay in her heart
always, growing a little each day, until perhaps you'll meet again)."

The Trust pattern

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Stone Necklace pattern

"Keep in mind, as always, that this is NOT a "magic bullet" so it should be used as part of an
overall seduction structure. Also keep in mind that I DO NOT say this to a babe word-for-word. I
wrote it out long this way because I tend to recall more when I'm out sarging, if my patterns were
written with a shitload of details. (And also so I knew where I wanted to go with it, and what
commands I wanted to include.)
"I've been staring at your necklace, wondering why it reminded me of something, and now I
remember what it was.
I recall a story I had read once, called "The Eros Stone Necklace." It was about a woman who
was growning apart from her lover, and was losing faith in love.
One night she was out walking, up in the mountains near her home. As she sat upon some rocks,
and was staring up at the stars, she made a wish that a man would come into her life, and fill her
with the adventure she had been missing. Suddenly, there was a flash around her, which at first
startled her. But then she began to… FEEL VERY RELAXED. A nice… soothing… comfortable
feeling filled her body. Then an image flashed into her head. An image of passion so incredible…
so fulfilling, that she almost thought she were dreaming. At first she tried to deny that she was
starting to… FEEL A WARMTH DEEP INSIDE… because she was afraid to feel that good. But
the more she allowed herself to… FEEL THAT WARMTH INCREASE, the stronger it became,
and the more she wanted this to continue. Then she started to... HEAR THIS VOICE…inside her
mind. And the more she allowed herself to... LISTEN TO THIS VOICE… the more it relaxed
her, the more it warmed her, the more it caused her to… LISTEN INTENTLY TO WHAT'S
SAID. The voice began to change, and started to sound like her own voice. And this voice said to
her, "Focus on what is in front of you, and you will discover that which you desire." Then, POOF,
the voice was gone, leaving her to… UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS SAID.
She put her hand to her chest, to settle her breathing, and felt something around her neck. She
pulled it forward, and saw that where there was once nothing, there was now a beautiful
necklace, with a (the color of her stone) colored stone. She was of course confused at first, but
then she recalled the voice that she had heard, and what it had said to her; FOCUS ON THIS
DESIRE. Now, it all becomes clear. She has the necklace, and somehow it will give her what she
desires. Without even fully understanding what is happening, the decision is made to pursue
this…to have what is desired deep down inside. She said to herself, "No matter what anyone else
says to you, this is what you want (point to self) this is what you deserve, and you're going to do
it for all your own reasons."
The next day she went into town to buy some things, and was amazed… by what happened…
upon entering the market.
(Stay quiet and wait for her to say something)
Upon entering the market, she saw this man (point to self) and felt a tingle, give me your hands
(when she gives you her hands do this) a tingle like this, and warmth, a very strong warmth, that
ran (slowly move finger up arm) all the way… up her body.
The man's eyes caught her eyes, and they stared for several moments. That warmth deep inside,
began to get stronger, and stronger, and stronger. And as the man approached her, she started to
FEEL DESIRE FORMING deep inside of her… right… in… here (touch solar plexus). It was
like an energy had formed around them, like a soft… private bubble, surrounding them from the
rest of the world. In this moment only these two people (motion back and forth subtly) existed.
He smiled, and said not a single word, and instead kissed her lips softly. She closed her eyes and
took in the moment (take in a breath, then let it out slowly with a slight moan). At last, she had
found the man who would make her feel alive again. The man pulled back to look into her eyes,
and whispered softly, "What can I do, what can I say, to make you mine, if but only for a night?"
She thought about what it was she wanted, and asked herself, "What do you want deep down
inside of you? What is missing from your life right now that you want from this man?" And with
only a smile, she took his hand, and lead him out of the market.
They talked for hours, sharing insights, and opinions, dreams, and desires. Then they simply fell
into each others arms, and made love for the night. It was unlike anything she could imagine. He
touched her exactly how she wanted to be touched, made love to her exactly how she wanted to
be made love to. And all of this was the result of a chance encounter, and a magical necklace. As
they held each other later, he complimented her on her necklace. She revealed to him what had
happened the previous night on the mountain, and how she came to possess the necklace. He
kissed her lips, then said, "Every time you become aware of having this necklace, think of me.
And every time you touch this necklace, I will feel your touch upon my face, and I will smile."
They parted the next morning, but made plans to meet again that evening.
Sadly, she decided not to meet him after all, for she feared that this magical, wonderful, amazing
adventure she had shared with this man (point to self) would eventually be ruined for one reason
or another someday. She instead chose to REMEMBER FOREVER that one perfect night, with
this one perfect man. She thought of him often, and his image was never far from her mind. And
ever day she would touch that necklace, and every day she would FEEL AN INCREDIBLE
WARMTH for she knew, that somewhere, he was smiling.""

Discovery Channel pattern

You: "You know, I saw the most interesting show on the Discovery Channel last night. They were
interviewing people who make their living designing attractions for amusement parks like Magic
Mountain and Disneyland and Universal Studios. Wouldn't that be a cool way to make a living?"
Her: "Yeah! That sounds so interesting."
You: "Well, anyway, they were talking about the elements that make up the ideal attraction (sp).
They said there are 3 parts to the ideal attraction. First, when you EXPERIENCE the ideal
attraction, you FEEL A STATE OF HIGH AROUSAL. The ideal attraction makes your heart beat
faster, and your breathing gets faster and you just FEEL THAT AMAZING RUSH all over."
Her: "Yeah!"
You: "And then they said that another part to an ideal attraction is - it's fascinating. You just
FEEL SO ENTHRALLED that you want to TAKE THIS RIDE (point to your pecker!) multiple
times; as soon as you GET OFF you want to GET BACK ON again."
Her: "Yeah!"
You: "And they said, finally, the most important element, is a sense of overall safety. That even
though the attraction make look a little dangerous, you're CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE... you FEEL
SAFE because you realise nothing bad can really happen, so that allows you to FEEL TOTALLY
FREE to LET GO AND ENJOY THAT GREAT AROUSAL again and again and again. Can you
(squeeze her hand) feel _that_... is pretty close to the way it is?"
Her: "Oooh...yeah!!"
Ok, this pattern has been reported to make women cum, out of the blue, just by reciting it to
them:) Usually though, after you're done with your description, the girl says with a sly smile
"Sounded more like making love:)" Don't be shocked, don't stiffen up - for she loved it
regardless:) Or rather... exactly because of that:) And if nothing else comes to mind, you can
answer with a confused look at first and then a "Well... now that you mention it:)".
Update. You: "When you imagine how much fun it is to ride a roller coaster or any other kind of
amusement park ride .. Its like as that ride is climbing up and up, you can feel your heart
pounding with excitement, you feel you're breathing faster and faster, sometimes you're even
gasping and panting you feel the blood rushing through every part of your body and as that
excitement and tension is building and building, you reach the top of the ride and then as it
crests, you just release it in a flood of excitement, and sometimes you're screaming you're so
turned on.
And you know, afterwards I thought to myself, isn't that the totally accurate description of your
ideal attraction to another person. You know that kind of wonderful click right there (right in the
center of who you are) that just makes you feel totally drawn to this person and on one hand you
feel totally safe and totally comfortable like you were meant to know them and as if you've
known them forever."

How to approach and introduce patterns into a discussion

Obviously you just cannot sit down in front of or beside a girl you're not acquainted with and
start with a pattern ready to plant anchors, listen to trance words etc. Here's where the skill of
fluff talk comes to play.
If you're witty, creative, observant or anything in that direction, you can use the casual "we know
each other from before" approach and just start talking about the event you both just witnessed,
something "new" you just noticed about her (never mind that she's "all new" to you anyway:), ask
for her opinion about something, a new piece of clothing of yours etc. Just about anything goes
as long as it doesn't look like an approach and a pick-up attempt - an impression which should
initially be avoided at all costs.
When things are going well, you can turn your interaction into a pick-up, but with more
experience you can even have her do the pick-up (meaning she offers her phone-number and asks
yours, when you seem to be leaving:). But once you have the conversation going, keep in mind
that the general direction you want the conversation to go is the one which let's you introduce a
pattern, and then another, and then another:) 'Til she's dripping wet or goes unconscious from all
the highs you are taking her:)
A natural conversation hops from one thing to another and can be fulfilling if the subject being
discussed is thrilling to both parties of the conversation. Pick your hops so as to move closer to
being able to naturally introduce a pattern but be also very sensitive to the hops she takes and
change you goals accordingly - choose another pattern to eventually end up with, modify the one
you had in mind or in your final stage of mastery of SS: make up and deliver an appropriate one
on the fly:)
See also the on SS in the July'98 issue of Playboy. The article is a good example of how starting
with patterns right at the outset is a doomed approach, they just sound too lame and
embarrassing. But the one time the journalist does it right, starts with some fluff talk, has the
"actually we know each other" attitude, comments on something which has some sort of
understandable meaning for the girl and only THEN delivers a pattern he made up on the fly
about it and - BOOM, it works!

Common misconceptions and problems with patterning

"The following understandings represent ways to clear up the most common misconceptions and
problems that students I have talked with typically encounter.
Understanding #1: The Patterns Are Only Examples!
As Major Mark and I have said over and over again in seminars, the patterns sure are wonderful.
Whether it's the Blammo, the Blow Job, the tried and true "Discovery Channel" or any one of so
many patterns now in the Speed Seduction Þ material, it is important to realize they are only
examples. They are examples of the kinds of communication that open and stimulate a woman to
give her the deep emotional and imaginative experiences that she longs for.
Can the patterns, used word for word as we teach them, work for you? Of course! That's what
they are designed to do!
But it is equally important to use the patterns as a teaching tool for yourself. To give yourself
opportunities to learn about the types of communications that really stimulate women and give
them what they really long for.
Think of the patterns as training wheels; when you first learned to ride a bicycle more than likely
you did it with FOUR wheels, and NOT two. Once you learned the basics of balance and forward
momentum; once you got "the feel" of things, the training wheels were removed and perhaps
after a few falls, off you went!
Same with the patterns you'll find in the courses, videos, workbooks and seminars. They are as
much tools to train yourself as they are methods to open and stimulate women!
Therefore, as you grow in the use of the materials, you will begin to find you adapt bits and
pieces of the patterns in different order and in different ways to fit the individual situation and
unique women you are encountering! In fact, you may well begin to create your own! That is a
sign you are really at a level of great mastery!
Understanding #2: Getting "Caught" Is Bullshit!
One of the more common challenges new students bring up is the fear of "getting caught". Some
students believe that using patterns is somehow like committing some kind of minor crime, like
picking a girl's pocket or stealing her purse.
Remember, you can only fear "getting caught" if you view what you are doing as something
wrongful or damaging.
What you need to understand is this: using patterns is not taking something away from her. You
aren't stealing her wristwatch; you are giving her something wonderful. A chance to experience
feelings and emotions and states of mind/body that very, VERY few people can ever give.
You need to believe that what you are offering to give has value, even if at first you aren't the
smoothest in the delivery of it.
Look at it like this; if she had polio and YOU had the vaccine, would you feel nervous, guilty or
shameful about telling her, "Hey?c'mere?.you really need what I have?".
Well, so many women, no matter how beautiful, are suffering from a disease far worse than
polio. It's the disease of the expected?the hum-drum?the "used to that already". And you, my
friend with the patterns and the understanding of women they give, are the cure for that and
perhaps the only cure she will ever find.
Understanding #3: Gifts, NOT Apologies!
Another incorrect way to view patterns that you are now correcting is that somehow, they are
apologies. Ways to make up for something that you are lacking. Ways of saying, "I'm sorry I don't
have the looks or the body or the youth or the money that you want, but won't you please accept
these pretty words, oh lovely Princess who I don't deserve to be with?"
Well, with THAT kind of attitude, which not only doesn't work but is also inaccurate, NO fancy
words will work for you.
Listen?hear?get this understanding: the patterns are NOT ways of making up for what you lack.
They are ways of offering women what it is THEY truly long for; the deep, powerful, emotional
and imaginative experiences that every woman, deep in the core of her being, really looks and
longs for.
It is not that you are making up for lack of looks, youth, money, status, etc. It is that these things
may be what women are used to wanting, but are NOT what would really deeply fulfill them.
The kinds of communications the patterns offer ARE. What other guys offer is counterfeit;
"funny money" that women are used to accepting, because it's mostly the only thing in
circulation. Speed Seduction gives you the genuine article; the pure gold "coin of the realm"
instantly recognizable in women's souls and hearts as what they've always truly been looking for.
Understanding #4: Feelings Before Words!
So many students have told me: "Ross, the patterns seem so foreign to me. They just don't seem
like they are me."
What's usually going on for these beginners is that the patterns are descriptions of experiences
they themselves have never imagined or had. So naturally, they just seem like they are reciting
empty words with NO meaning. These poor guys are so focused on memorizing the words, they
haven't put any focus into getting some of the feelings.
You see, if you have never had a "peak experience" and haven't even imagined having one, it is
pretty hard to sound convincing or to be captivating talking about it. It's just empty words with
nothing to back it up. Sort of like the Japanese singing duo from the 70's, "Pink Lady". These two
lovely Japanese girls understood not ONE word of English. But they were a big hit on the talk
show circuit, singing English songs which they memorized purely by sound, the joke being how
they obviously did not understand one single syllable of what they were singing!
The solution here, if this is your problem, is to focus, in the beginning, NOT on memorization,
but on imagining for yourself the experiences the patterns describe. Imagine for yourself what it
would be like to feel an incredible connection, a peak experience, the excitement and body
sensations of "parts" of the Blow Job pattern, etc. etc.
As you read through and listen to patterns, imagine having the experience for yourself, and get at
least some of the feelings you want to convey to the women you wish to seduce. Notice I said
"some" of the feeling; if you get all of the feelings as intensely as you wish her to feel them, no
one will have their hands on the wheel! Just get a bit of the feeling; enough to let that feeling
guide the expression of your words.
In this way, the patterns serve to expand who you are. To give you experiences and to cause you
to take notice of experiences that before might have gone [Image] completely by. As you expand
who you are and how you experience your world, the bonus is you not only become better at
patterns, but a more rounded and balanced human being who will naturally be more appealing to
women by virtue of who you are and what you experience as well as by the words you know to
say! Your success with the material will grow as you grow as a man.
Remember this very important principle: In life, you will not get what you want. You will not get
what you "deserve". You will only get what the energies you can create can connect with.
Therefore, learn to create new and different energies for yourself by the experiences the patterns
can give to you.
Understanding #5: The Importance Of Themes
If you want to learn to naturally flow from one pattern to the next it is important to understand
and use themes.
Themes are simply overall ideas that tie patterns together.
Consider the metaphor of a strand of pearls. The theme is the string that holds together the pearls,
which are the patterns.
There are many, many themes which are likely to lead to a successful seduction. Among my
favorites are:
*Different places in the mind *What we are used to wanting; what we THINK we want versus what would truly deeply fulfill
*Permission to explore
*Connections(with each other, with those deeper places in the mind, with our dreams, hopes,
goals, wishes)
As you go through the patterns in the course, notice how you can tie them together under one or
more of these themes.
One way to look for a theme is to examine a group of ideas or things and see what they overall
have in common. For example, in the following list:
* Disneyland
* Magic Mountain
* Sea World
* Six Flags
What are they all examples of? What do they all have in common? Yes, they are all places for
fun, rides, attractions, crowds. Those are all elements they share. But overall, they all belong to
the category of things called amusement parks.
So when you want to link one pattern with any other, find some overall experience or thing of
which they are all examples.
Understanding #6: The Two Ways In Which Patterns Work
20% of the time when you use patterns, a woman will silently sit there, follow along quietly, go
exactly into the states and experiences you describe and "poof"; you get banged!
80% of the time, however, the patterns work in a more interesting way.
Consider the metaphor of a pearl, once again. How are pearls made? Are they inserted directly
into the oyster?
No; what happens is that a grain of sand gets into the oyster and acts as an irritant. The oyster
forms the pearl around the grain of sand as a result of the stimulation caused by the little bit of
foreign matter.
In the same way, with brighter, more intelligent and ultimately more suggestible and fun women,
the patterns act to stimulate and awaken the deeper structures in her mind that have been laying
dormant, asleep and hibernating, or that have been repressed for personal or social reasons. Thus
the patterns stir her slumbering structures for fantasy, desire, indulgence, surrender, wild
abandon, etc.
What happens when a woman suddenly feels these things awakening? Why, my good man, she
does what women so often love to do. She TALKS!
Now, her talking is a good thing. For she is not only giving you solid information; accurate
descriptions of her own internal models and maps for what the ideal fantasies, dreams,
indulgences and surrendering should be like, but by talking she revivifies and re-awakens all
these slumbering things. So when she talks, LISTEN. Anchor her deeper responses with a touch or a glance or a sound or
preferably all three at the same time and FEED back her own "personal trance words" into the
standard patterns you have memorized! When you use HER own words, remember she not only
doesn't resist, but these words act as signals to further awaken these deeper structures in her
mind. You can then link these structures to you and amplify these things and show her how to
experience them more vividly, profoundly and enjoyably then she ever has before! That is the key
to seduction genius and power!
Understanding #7: How To Practice Pattern Flow
Ideally, you want to be able to flow from any one pattern to any other pattern. Just as in a boxing
match, you want to be able to throw combinations instead of one punch every round, so too once
you have a woman going with Speed Seduction you do NOT want to stop until you get your
outcum? er? ah? OUTCOME.
Therefore, practicing pattern flow is vital!
One good way is to take the last sentence of any one pattern. Then come up with a linking or
transitional phrase like, "It's just like" or "Another thing about that is this" and then the first
sentence of the next pattern you want to use. Write these out in long hand and then, most vitally
important practice saying these in sequence, out loud, so you know you can transition when you
need to.
Do bear in mind that OUT LOUD practice, in the right state, with the right tonality and tempo is
VITAL! The patterns are meant to be spoken, not written, so merely writing them is NOT
sufficient practice!
Understanding #8: Do NOT Lust For Results!
Speed Seduction is not just about how you speak; it is a different way of perceiving the world. As
such, it takes time to approach mastery. That means the key is to immerse yourself in these
learnings. Practice all the time, every day, on as many people as you can. If you reserve your
practice ONLY for beautiful women, you make beautiful women the cause of your skill, and
THAT is a fatal error!
No, I'm not suggestion you get some disgusting ugly monster hot and horny. I am suggesting that
using your skills to make virtually everyone you come in contact with feel much better than
before they met you IS a good thing to aim at!
Above all, be patient with yourself. Learning takes place on many levels, and it can take some
time, some stumbling and some plain fucking it up to get good.
But so what? You learned to walk and learned to read and write and that took plenty of trial and
error. We are talking about a lifetime of results and enjoyment here!
Now, every once in a while, a student will tell me he has memorized every single pattern but
hasn't tried a single one as much as once in the real world! And I must inform you if you are
potentially such a person that you don't really understand Speed Seduction until you've gone out
and done it!
If you aren't willing to stumble a little bit? undergo SOME discomfort, however slight, to get
what you want in life, then how will ANY woman with ANY judgement at all find you attractive
no matter WHAT words you say? If you care so little for your own life and happiness that you
won't take a SINGLE step to improve your lot, then nothing I can teach you to SAY will help you
one bit. NO woman would find such a man attractive.
So get up off your lazy, self-pitying, sorry ass, IF this describes you, and make a vow to work at
making the material work. If you want everything handed to you on a platter, you are going to
wait forever and get nowhere! USE THE ENCLOSED MATERIALS, GROW UP, and be willing
to be an adult who will fight for what he wants instead of a spoiled child who waits for Mommy
or Daddy to give it to him without cost! We've blazed a trail and smoothed the path and lit it up
and marked it clearly; if there is an occasional pebble you have to step on, so fucking what! Get
your ass moving!"
Update. The various levels of NLS or Neuro Linguistic Seduction (which is what patterning
seems to be called on Mindlist). By Zachary D. Marcy, Mindlist:
"I have been practicing NLP for about 3 years now. I have just stepped into my own since being
on this list and being a student of Kenrick Cleveland. In this time period I have ran into an
abundance of guys that are at different skill levels and stages in their lives with NLS. I wrote
down several of them (including the ones I have experienced which seems to be all but a few).
See if you can identify yourself with any or several of these stages and also write down what you
think you can do to improve on them. I will try to give an example of each as I type them, but I
don't want to be here all night so I may just ask you to ... USE YOUR MIND... to REALIZE...
which stage I am refering too. Now, without furthur ado:
Excited about NLS but Lost - Remember when you first saw all the advertising about SS and
NLS? How-open eyed you were and how all of your ideas for what you could do with this stuff
ran wild.
Skeptical about NLS but Lost - Remember after you read your first pattern and wondered "how
in the HELL could I start to talk to a woman like this?"
Diligent about NLS but Lost - You can't figure out why you keep doing these exercises about
mirroring and matching etc... but you do... This is a GOOD stage, it makes the success worth it!
Computer Success but Lost IRL (in real life) - I didn't go through this much. Alex Akselrod
knows about this stage...ask him about it.
Telephone and computer success but lost IRL - I did go through a success on telepersonals stage
where I was too chicken shit to take in patterns in real life.
Stuck on one line and one pattern (not flexible) - this has a ton to do with memorizing patterns!
Some Success but not repeatable - You have some how managed to get a few success' using a
few ideas and patterns and just haven't been able to repeat them. This usually comes when you
are being selective and you aren't that flexible yet.
Some Success and ONLY repeatable with some types of women - most of the time the success
was dumb luck. I use to have this problem a bit too. I managed to get a few patterns and ideas
that worked well with certain types of women and I just used those and that was it. This was the
second stage I expereinced with NLS. The first was no 1 and I next went to this stage. It was hard
for me too. I ran into a rut where I didn't meet women that fit this type that I had originally set in
my mind and I almost threw NLS out of the door. I am glad I was persistent with it!
Playing the odds game - you approach 10 women and get one. I was always too picky from the
start to do this. Now, understand, this is GREAT practice.
Snagging Many (approaching about a 60-70% success rate) - remember SUCCESS is defined by
YOUR desired outcome! Not my definition of success!
Doing Great and Being Picky (going for types) - THIS is where was about 3 months ago. I liked
this stage in my NLS career!
Just Flat out picky and not using NLS on any women unless they fit your criteria - here is where I
am currently at. It's odd, I figured I would like this stage! I really don't ... I am going back to
being a huge flirt again!
Find and NLS the Girlfriend and yet you cheat on her - This is a saftey girl... you can do this with
just dating a girl too. Unfortunantly, I went through this phaze a while ago.
Find the GirlFriend type and get her - I belive this is what I am currently searching for... where
the hell is she?
Find the ONE to marry - DO WHAT? OK OK... so I have heard several success stories similar to
this one. I am young and have a full life ahead of me. I am not looking into this... YET.
Using NLS to make your marriage work or make it better - ask someone who knows.
Using NLS to make your relationship better - It worked for me and my ex. It also made me
realize who I didn't want to be with.
Realize that these ARE NOT in any order per se. Most of them are just various stages on
relatively the same plain. This may give you goals to strive for or just idea of where you are
currently at. It might give you application that you haven't realized before... but you realize your
application now."

Read romance novels to enrich your patterning language

One of the most inexplicable things about women than their hunger for romance novels. What
sane person would waste his/her time reading such garbage? Laughable plots, boring dialogue etc
- well time to reassess your position:) Or at least - see it as "useful" garbage:)
When you read patterns for the first time you probably thought the very same thing - "Holy shit
what garbage?! I can't believe this?! Is there actually a female there on this planet that would fall
for crap like that??" Well women eat romance novels up like candy just like they fall for patterns
for actually, the two have very much in common. Mark Cunningham, an accomplished student of
Ross Jeffries': "I admit these books are difficult, because you're reading through them and you're
going, "What the fuck are they talking about?". But if you lift some of the ideas and the language
from them and say them in a slow, relaxed and powerful manner, women melt. They've finally
found a man who knows how to communicate with them in a meaningful way." Guys, time to
head for the library / book-store… and don't forget to approach some romance hungry HB's while
you're there, and maybe ask for some pointers…:)
A list of recommended romance novels for this specific purpose: (any suggestions?).


Ross Jeffries: "How many people know what submodalities are? The basic idea behind
submodalities, is that people have locations for their internal mental imagery. That's when people
make images on the inside of their mind, subjectively speaking, those images are located in
different places. Let me give you an example. I'll give you an example. Come here, come on up
here. Come up. What's your name?"
Audience: "Rod"
Ross: "Have a seat here. Let me show you what I mean. Can you stop and think about someone
who you really, really like. Is there someone that you really like alot?"
Rod: "Yes I can"
Ross: "As you think about that person and you see their image in your mind don't you?"
Rod: "Yes"
Ross: "Imagine your mind is a movie screen. And if you were to take your finger and point to
where on the movie screen you see their image where might you point right now. Right there.
Very nice. Now can you think of someone who you can't stand at all? I mean, if you saw a car
coming at this person, you might go "hey!" but you wouldn't be in too big of a hurry to get them
out of the way. Where you see the picture? Where? And where is the picture of the person that
you really like? Now take this picture of the person who you don't like much and try to move it
over here and see what happens. Looks like it doesn't want to stay there, does it?"
Rod: "It's heavy"
Ross: "By the way, notice how the more you listen to me the more my picture goes right here.
And the bigger and brighter it gets. And you just lock it there. Keep it there. That's a neat thing.
The number one submodality is location, where people put their pictures. There's alot of other
ones but for our purpose the one that we are going to be using is location. Yes, question."
Audience: "In many of the experiments that I've gone through with, I find that alot of the pictures
are very spacial. They don't have a position, I can't put them in a position."
Ross: "Then what you do is suggest one. If they don't have one, suggest it. See, notice what it's
like if that picture just pops itself out of your head and locks in right in front of your face. If they
don't have one, suggest it. So you can put yourself there."
An exercise of removing doubts and hesitation via the use of submodalities
Ross Jeffries: "So here's the exercise that we're going to do. Close your eyes, this means eyes
close. Close your eyes. What I want you to do is, I want you to think about something that you
use to want to be when you were a little kid. But then as you grew up you just forgot all about it.
So think of that thing that you used to want to be when you were a little kid and then maybe you
just forgot all about it. If some of you haven't done that, then think of something you use to do
when you were a kid but you no longer do. I prefer you pick something you used to want to do as
a kid but then you have forgotten about it. Ok, and take a minute to do that. And this is going to
become a very important tool so I want you to notice as you think about this where in your mental
movie screen you see that picture. And actually take your finger, I want to see everyone doing
this, and take your finger and point to where you seem to see that picture. And notice that
location and draw a white square there. But make it red. Make it a red square if you can do that.
If you can see the color red, ok. Now, I want you to think, do you believe the sun is going to
come up tomorrow? Put your hand down, just remember that location, do you believe that the
sun is going to come up tomorrow, yes or not?"
Audience: "Yes"
Ross: "As you are believing that I want you to make a picture of that in your mind, of your belief
that the sun will come up tomorrow. No it's not a belief, it's a fact. Ok, your belief that the sun
will come up tomorrow. You got it. And point to where you see that. Point to where you see that
and draw a square around that one but make it green. Make it a green square. Alright, if you're
having trouble with the color, don't worry about it. Just make it whatever color you want. Alright,
now here's what I want you to do. I want you to see the image of yourself that doesn't believe that
you can do this [speed seduciton] stuff. I know some of you have doubts, now is the time to let
any doubt you want come into your mind. Your doubts that you can do this material, you know,
you feel that you are going to get caught, your doubts that I'm not the best teacher in the world,
whatever your doubts are that you are going to get rid of them completely, just whatever they are,
I'm going to get caught, I'm not confident enough, women don't like me, whatever it is, right, I
want you to allow an image or images that represent those thoughts to pop into your mind. And
very quickly stick those into the red square. Shove those images and pictures right into the red
square and lock it in there. And some of you may be thinking but I don't want to let the thoughts
go. But notice this, the more you think that the more it pushes them away anyway. So they have
no choice. Now I want you to create a new self image. I want you to see the you that has the spirit
that I've been putting into, the idea, that hey, challenge is fun. If I don't get it the first time I'll
keep tap dancing around this person until I get it. I want you to hear me, going "go for it
fuckweed!". In the back of your head."
Audience: "Laughs"
Ross: "Just do it. I'm serious. I want you to hear my voice in the back of your head saying "go for
it fuckweed". Don't be a dick, go for it. I want you to do that in the back of your head. Ok, I want
you to see that image of you that sort of has my ideas in your head, the ideas of being flexible
and ferocious and having fun with it. Ok. Now you want to check push limits and see how
blatant you can be, try to get caught with this. Ok. Notice as that image of yourself goes into the
green square. And fill the green square up with that image. And notice that the bigger and
brighter that green square image gets, the smaller and darker the red square image gets. To the
point where the red square just disappears completely. And lock in that image. And now that you
see that image of yourself in that green square, here's what I want you to do as the next step.
Keep your eyes closed, I know you love to look at me dear but keep your eyes closed. Just look at
me on the inside, deep inside your mind. Aren't you. Ok, here's what I want you to do, look, see
that image of you in the green square, I want you to make it forty feet tall. And what I want you
to do, you make it forty feet tall, is turn it around so you only see it from behind. So you'll see the
back of yourself. And as you allow that to continue, raise it up above your head, and when I snap
my fingers, drop it down on top of your so you'll look into those forty foot tall eyes. Are you
ready? (Ross snaps his fingers) Do it. And now looking out through those forty foot tall eyes add
in a few snarls. A voice in your head that says your ass is mine. I want you to imagine there's a
woman in front of you. And now what I want you to do is just zoom on the part of that person
that you find the most attractive. Just zoom in on it. Zoom in on it, ok and over her shoulder I
want you to see that forty foot tall you again. In fact, I want you to see an entire army of forty
foot tall yous lined up. Now look at and zoom on the body part, hear that voice that goes (snarl)
you know that sexy tonality, that ooh ahh. And over her other shoulder I want you to see you and
her getting it on. And now notice how any attempt of hesitation just flies into that red square and
shrinks away and smalls itself. To the point where you can't even imagine ever trying to be that
way, it just gets wiped out completely. As if a giant hand were wiping out that tiny little red
square of doubt. The hand attached to the body that has the voice that says "do it fuckface". "Do
it now!". Now stop a minute and try to doubt, try in vain to doubt your ability to master these
skills and use them. Tell me what happens. What happens when you try and doubt. It's unnatural,
that's right. That's right. Good, I want you to carry that with you."

Thought Binding

Ross Jeffries: "The first key to understanding Thought Binding is to recognise that people are
basically hypnosis machines. If you tell their minds in what direction to move will absolutely DO
IT EVERYTIME because people are not use to hearing these kinds of instructions. People are
used to hearing babbling about content, in other words, reasons, data and facts, and that kind of
stuff they can, do and WILL resist. But binding the direction of their thoughts? NEVER! Let me
give you an example. Suppose their is some very nice young girl you want to impress. You could
tell her lots of stuff about you. Ya know, say something dumb like:
"Well lots of women like me because I'm smart and funny and make good money, but other's find
it's my honesty and looks that they are attracted to".
Yeah. Right. Well, problem is, you are tossing those facts, reasons and info at her, and like as not,
she's heard this a zillion times before and isn't gonna buy it. If you must use an approach like
this, why not bind the direction of her thoughts first? You'd do it like this:
"Hey, did you ever meet someone, and just instantly knew that you had to get to know this person
better (point to yourself)? Maybe as you went inside and really got all excited about how much
fun it'd be to get to know him and how curious and intrigued you were feeling? As you
REMEMBER THOSE FEELINGS AS WE'RE TALKING, I'm just curious, do you first imagine
how much fun they'd be to hang out with, and then get intrigued, or do you get intrigued first and
then imagine how much fun this person would be (point to yourself)?"
Now, what are you doing here? You're setting up a mood and state of mind that's going to make
her a lot more receptive by:
1. Having her recall what it's like to be in the mood you want her in (setting up the thought
2. Giving her a command to STAY IN THAT MOOD WHILE SHE TALKS WITH YOU by
using the phrase "as you remember those feelings as we're talking" (Binding the thought
You've now set her up to be MUCH MORE RECEPTIVE to any "facts" about yourself you want
to throw because you've set up and BOUND the direction of her thinking and emotional
processes. From here on out, unless you are very stupid, she's dead meat. And the beauty is
THEY NEVER CATCH IT, cause they aren't used to hearing it or looking for it. They just know
they find you mesmerising, hypnotically fascinating and irresistibly attractive:) Notice also that
we end by asking them about the order in which they did the process. That's to further mask the
fact that we are giving commands by making it seem like the only reason we brought it up in the
first place is we we're genuinely interested in learning about them! Ha! Are we sneaks, or what?
By the way, the phrase "AS YOU REMEMBER"... is what we call a pre-supposition. A presupposition
is just anything that HAS to be ASSUMED to be true in order for the sentence to
make sense and be understood. Thus, with "AS YOU REMEMBER", the presupposition is that
they WILL remember. Slick, isn't it?
Every decision people make is based in and dependent on their state of mind. If you don't like
their decision, change their state of mind before you try to change the decision. So the key here,
is to set up the right state using some of the thought binding techniques we've discussed, but also
to recognise, that if you're getting resistance from a woman in the form of broken dates, calls
promised but not made, etc., you need to back up and ask yourself the following questions:
1. Hmmm. What state of mind is she in right now with regard to me?
2. What's the final state I want her in?
3. How can I have fun transitioning her to the state I want her to be in when I pounce?
You can think of this as building a chain of states, with the state she's currently in as the first link,
and the final state you want her in as the dog collar that's gonna go 'round her neck! Let's say she,
for whatever reason, is in a state of INDIFFERENCE about going out with you. And let's say the
final state you want her in is DROOLING OF DESIRE TO BE WITH YOU. Bit of a gap, huh?
What you need to do here is come up with a state in between as a nice transition, like say,
curiosity or intrigue, using some of our thought binding/pre-supposition techniques. You could
try something like this:
"You know, when we go out, I don't know whether it will be an incredibly exciting adventure or
just a wonderfully fun time, but it sure is going to feel good to laugh a lot, isn't it? When you
think about it like that, are you aware of how much more it makes you really look forward to
doing it?"
Now, that's LOADED with presuppositions. They are:
1. That we are GOING to go out.
2. That it's either going to be incredibly exciting or wonderfully fun.
3. That we are going to laugh a lot.
4. That she's thinking about it like that.
5. That it DOES make her look forward to doing it (the only question is how aware of it she is...
this is a whole sub-class of "awareness" presuppositions, using words like "aware" "recognise"
"know" "realise" etc.)
Now, does this sort of thing work? YES! IF... you deliver it with a smile and a laugh and say it
like you MEAN it and expect that it's going to work! See, you need to make your tonality and
delivery convey that YOU presuppose a POSITIVE outcome for your entire communication!!!
So, the rule is to ALWAYS presuppose a positive outcome in your communication and ALWAYS
present a communication that forces her to presuppose accepting AND (and this is a VERY
important "and") ENJOYING IT! If you don't link fun and pleasure she's going to reject the entire
communication!!! If you DO link pleasure and communication she won't resist cause she WON'T

Bullshit fantasies

Girls love to dream. So dream with them:) First - they'll identify with you more strongly ("wow, a
guy that likes to dream as well!"). But more importantly - dream a dream that is to her liking, and
that liking will quickly translate into liking YOU:) Apart from being an application of time
distortion to make her feel like she's known you for a long time, bullshit fantasies is also a
powerful rapport and intense emotions creater, with all of those feelings quite naturally being
linked to you. As they are just fantasies and dreams which are safe to share, the girl's possible
resistance to participating will be almost non-existent, yet the feelings created can become very
real indeed:)
Taken from "Sweep women off their feet...":
"Even girls who are after power and money will screw the living crap out of you if they feel you
are an investment that will bring the results they want. If you show them that you are passionate
about something that has potential to bring success, power and money they won't be able to resist
you even if that success, power and money is currently lacking. They simply look at you as an
investment and they will put out just so that they don't lose out on this great "investment".
If she believes that you both like and want the same things she can still become very attracted to
you if she also believes that you know more than she does about how to get those things that you
both want, even if you don't deliver those things or feelings at the moment. She can become
attracted to you if she believes that you will reach those goals faster than she will. She can
become attracted to you if she believes you can show her how she can get what she wants.
For example, looking back at a scenario involving a girl who loves money and power. Even if
you don't have that money and power, talking about how you will have all of that in the near
future will go a long way. You can describe all the luxuries yet to be enjoyed and how wonderful
it will be. Be as descriptive as you can and try to involve her in the realization of this dream that
WILL COME TRUE. Get her to imagine herself as part of this wonderful life and don't be stingy
on the details. You can even describe how you look forward to sharing this wonderful life with
that "special someone". You can describe how the freedom of your riches will allow you the
opportunities to fulfill so many fantasies, especially the ones about making love on a white sandy
beach, or making love under the waterfalls in the wilderness on a tropical island etc. While you
are talking about all this, use your body to link it all to you. Touch her lightly with a soft caress
on her arm when you describe something soft and sensual. Squeeze her hand firmly when
describing something of intense passion while you maintain eye contact all throughout."

Time distortion

Time distortion is having her think about a time in the future and her feelings for a special somebody
"say six months from now" (see "Falling in Love" pattern). If you've done a good enough
job, that hypothetical special somebody in her imagination will be you! She feels safe and secure
with that as it is only her fantasy, just a thought, and nobody knows about it. Or at least that's
what she thinks:)
But even if she doesn't imagine you as her special somebody, it doesn't matter. The object of time
distortion is to have her imagine you and her six months from now, not even necessarily as
lovers, just have her experience the thought of having known you for six months already. And
before she knows it, she feels much more safe and secure with you, as if she has known you for a
long time already (like... say... six months?:).
ASF: "It's really pretty simple. You just make up some bullshit fantasy that takes place in the
future involving you and her and explain it to her. By the time you #close, it's almost ridiculous
because she FEELS LIKE she has known you for so long already because you have taken her
mentally to the future and in order to understand that she has to IMAGINE KNOWING YOU
FOR MONTHS. She has imagined that you are good friends and like each other and travel
together etc. You should see the looks on their faces when you say "so what's your number?",
they can't believe how close they feel to you and you don't even have their number:)"
Update. Example of a time distortion story (taken from "Sweep women off their feet..."):
"There was this girl I met over the Internet who would only respond once in a while, making me
wait as long as two weeks for a reply if any at all. At one point I decided to put a stop to it. I
wrote her the following little story:
"I know that right now it's hard for anyone to recognize when they meet the person they want to
share their lives with, especially with the overload of information and male congestion on the
Internet. But sometimes I think that Mother Nature provides food for every little bird in this
world but that doesn't mean it will drop it in its nest. People are the same way. There is someone
out there for every one of us, but we still have to go out there and find him or her.
With that in mind I cannot help but look into the future and see a young woman asking her
grandmother for advice in the matters of the heart. You look at your grand daughter with love in
your eyes, speaking in a kind voice, recalling moments from your youth when you weren't sure
whether your heart was melting for the right man. Then you smile and tell her to trust her heart
even if her mind says no, because there was a time when a young man was desperately trying to
get your attention but for some reason he could not find his way into your heart. Just before you
decided to put an end to his misery he wrote one compelling letter straight from his heart and
that's when you knew he was the man who deserved your love. Your mind was still not
convinced but you decided to let things happen at least for the sake of finding out for sure.
Though it wasn't immediate, your heart and mind surrendered to the power of love. Had I given
up at first we wouldn't be here talking about matters of the heart my dear girl, for that young man
was none other but your grand daddy."
That one email alone made her not want to miss out on such a perfect future."

Quoting and stacking realities

Quoting has you say things through someone's else mouth - has you quoting somebody. This has
the advantage of making the more timid or insecure girls feel more at ease with the content you
are about to deliver and thus much more receptive to your suggestive talk, as you are not talking
about her neither yourself but a "friend" of yours (this is also a good tactic to use when delivering
a harsher than usual content (see the articles about "Sexual talk"). In order to understand what
you are saying, she will have to apply everything you say to herself anyway, so don't worry about
her not experiencing what your "friend" experienced:)
On the other hand, using quotes might be a slight hindrance to your success with more openminded
and adventurous girls, who wouldn't mind you describing them your or their feelings,
because should a direct speech be accepted, it is always much more powerful than speaking
through quotes. With such a girl describe her feelings and she goes "Goosh, this guy really
understands my feelings!", or describe your feelings and she goes "Goosh, this guy has such deep
feelings!". She'll be wet either way:)
As you shall see in the "Falling in Love" pattern, you can also quote an article, a lecturer, a TVshow,
a book etc. All these quotes added up is called stacking realities - the way she will perceive
it is that if the book says so, the article says so, the lecturer says so, his friend says so etc., then it
must be true.
The reasoning behind quoting is to give the more shy and emotionally fearful girls more distance
to feel more at ease with any given subject - to not have either her or you overtly involved in
your descriptions (don't worry, her and you will be involved in those descriptions in her mind:).
Another way of making her more at ease with any given subject is to use the hypothetical "If you
were to...", "If I were to..." constructions, which now have the two of you overtly involved in
whatever you choose to talk about, but only in a hypothetical way.
For example, use a "If I were to ask you…" in front of a "…what's the most important thing for
you in a relationship…", the implication being that you're not really asking, finish that with a
"…how would you describe it?" and you end up with a much more effective question of "If I
were to ask you what's the most important thing for you in a relationship, how would you
describe in?" than a blatant "what's the most important thing for you in a relationship?" on its
own could ever be.
See also:
Talking about sex
Using sexual stories to get her horny
Update. Examples of quoting to use sex-talk. Ross Jeffries:
"I found this letter on the lawn that my neighbor's daughter wrote. She is only 14 . . and I read,
"You really shouldn't think about going down on a guy as you talk to him (on the phone) and you
shouldn't think about making love to a man passionately (who you hardly know: who you are
casual friends with.)"."
"Some men are so crude. I can't believe what I saw this dude do the other night. He walked up to
this girl sitting at the bar next to me and said to her "Imagine us totally making out and you
getting so incredibly turned on by it. If you were to feel that right now, try not to think about
having me eat your pussy all night long and getting really horny." I can't believe a guy would ask
a women to think about that all night long."
"You know, I have heard of guys being really crude towards women but you wouldn't believe
what I saw last night. Well, I was sitting at this bar minding my own business when I saw this
stranger walk up to this girl who was sitting next to me, look her right in the eye, and say " If I
were to say to you that I'd like to eat your pussy all night long, would you get hot and horny or
would you slap me and run away." Can you believe it! Did he really expect her to feel an
incredibly lust inside, and enjoy imaging being made loved to all night long."
"My neighbor Cheryl acted so weird to me the other day. Do you know what she asked me? . . .
She goes "John, Imagine you and me totally making out." And I'm like, "Cheryl, your 10 years
older than me. And she says "wait, see this through your own eyes. Imagine you and me really
enjoying ourselves passionately making out" I said, "No Cheryl, this isn't going to work out. And
she says, "NO NO NO, just imagine it for a moment, just imagine us making out and you getting
so turned on." Did she really expect me enjoy thinking about that over and over again, to the
point where you can't get it out of your mind. If she does that again, next time I think I'll play it
right back to her. Like say something like "Tell me Cheryl, What's it feel like when you
experience fantastic sex when you're with someone who, you know mmmmm really knows how."
"You know I think it's so strange how people come up with things right out of the blue. My
neighbor looks at me and says STOP and just . . . picture the . . . two of us . . . absolutely in love.
Able to feel . . . totally connected, completely drawn to each other. What would it feel like then if
I was kissing you exactly the way you like it, touching you exactly the way you like it, holding
my body close to yours. God, did she really expect me to have those thoughts _____ Now with
me, I know it takes time. I would never feel that right away. Its the kind of thing you go home
and think about. You just picture it right up there in your mind find yourself dreaming those
wonderful dreams of love with this special person you are now connecting so powerfully with.
But you can't think about it on the spot as well."
"You know, sometimes I think women are so strange. I can't believe you all. Well, the other day, I
was talking with my friend ____ and she looked at me and she said, "If you were to imagine we
were in love, what are the two of three things about me that you could say that just cause you to
fall in love with me the most." Now I can't believe, that's not the kind of thing you ask someone
to think about on the spot. It's the kind of thing you might find yourself pondering. You know,
maybe when you're doing everyday things like driving your car or taking a shower and you find
that you think about it to the point where you can't get it out of your mind. I know its a wonderful
thing to feel a growing desire for someone (sp) to the point where you imagine yourself with
them in a mmmmm special way. But really, people shouldn't do that."
"You know I ask women what they think is the worst pickup line they have ever heard. Well, this
woman told me what happened to her once .. this guy walked up to her in a bar, looked her right
in the eye and said "imagine me going down on you just the way you like it all night long and
you were getting so hot and so wet that you were begging to have me inside you". Did that jerk
really expect her to have those thoughts ... with me I would never say such a thing."

Anchoring explained

A more advanced aspect of patterning is anchoring. Anchoring is an application of Pavlov's
reflex in NLP (and also in Speed Seduction). A Pavlov's reflex is a conditioned reflex first
explored and introduced by Russian scientist Pavlov. The core of his experiment was as follows -
he rang a bell, gave a dog some food, the dog saw and smelled the food and started salivating.
After a few times of repeating the process of ringing a bell, offering food and getting the dog to
salivate, he eliminated the offering of food from the process. He just rang the bell and… the dog
started salivating. By always ringing a bell while offering food, he had created a conditioned
reflex in the test subject, which in this case was causing salivation by simply ringing the bell.
The same conditioned reflex can be created in a girl - this is called anchoring. In patterning this
means, that every time you see the girl light up with delight, smile, laugh or just feel damn good
because of the wonderful feelings you are creating in her with your patterns, you touch her in a
specific place (the shoulder, elbow, inside of her arm) thus planting an anchor (the ringing of the
bell while offering food:), while saying something "it's a great feeling, isn't it?" to mask your
Let's say you've touched her elbow each time you've made her feel especially good three times
already. If you now touch that very same spot on her elbow the same way you touched it on three
previous occasions (applying the same amount of pressure etc.), she suddenly and unexpectedly
has all those wonderful feelings, that were there when you planted the anchor, rush back to her
without you having done anything else but touch her elbow (in other words: you just rang the bell
without offering food, and she started to salivate:). If you're really good, you can plant different
anchors for different feelings all over her body - an anchor of laughter on her shoulder, an anchor
of excitement on her elbow, an anchor of feeling romantic on back of her hand and an anchor of
feeling horny… on her knee:).
Furthermore, anchoring is not confined to touching alone - you can also use the tone of your
voice, some specific words (whisper "oh yes do it!" in her ear a few times when she orgasms,
then whisper those same words in her ear when being on some fancy reception and watch her
turn red from a wave of passionate heat and lust. You don't even have to hide anything, she can
recognise those words as "familiar" but she still can't help herself:).
It is however important not to overuse the anchors you have planted or she will eventually
become insensitive to them. Ring a bell ten times without offering food and the dog will
eventually stop salivating when hearing the bell ring.
The most practical use of anchoring is probably being able the keep a girl on a constant high
when she's with you. Evoke positive feelings, and whilst she's experiencing them, anchor those
feelings. But even the best PUA-s cannot keep evoking good feelings in a girl on a continuous
basis, sooner or later, for whatever reason (she might be tired, have some worries, whatever), her
mood will drop. That's where the feelings you have anchored come handy. Fire off an anchor (if
you anchored laughter and fun to her shoulder, touch her shoulder) and she's happy again:) With
no excess effort on your part:)


When you are eliciting her values or letting her describe her feelings while patterning, listen
intently to what she has to say and more importantly, what words she uses to express herself.
The words she puts particular emphasis on or repeats frequently are her so-called trance words.
This means that by using the very same words she uses you will be able to tap directly into her
consciousness and subconscious. After all, those are the words she thinks with and is most
familiar with. And hearing you use them, she feels you understand her so completely, you are like
a soul-mate, and whatever you say to her is much more likely to be understood and most
importantly - liked by her:)
A rough implementation of using trance words would be to take what she tells you and feed it
back to her in a slightly different robing using her personal trance words. But when I say rough, I
don't mean that its not working - the fact that it just doesn't have much style, doesn't mean that it
isn't deadly effective:)
A more sophisticated approach would be to listen to and remember her trance words. And use
them a little later:) And maybe in a slightly different context:) But the difference between this
and the first method is only subtle - here you just have to use a little more imagination and have a
good memory:)
An example:
You: "If I were to ask you, what's the most important thing in a relationship, how would you
describe it to me?"
Her: "I want a man who makes me feel comfortable with myself" (you remember "feel" and "
You: "Wouldn't it be nice if you could spend time with a man who makes you feel like you could
let down your guard and just be comfortable? Whose voice soothed and at the same time
stimulated you? I get the feeling that this could happen to you right now, with me."

Delivering patterns - tonality

The way you deliver the patterns determines the difference between making her feel wonderful
deep inside or you sounding like a phoney or a pathetic clown reciting some weird-sounding
monologue or script.
Presenting her with the text accomplishes you nothing, the words itself will not make her feel
anything. You have to be the text you deliver, you have to feel it with her, be with her every step
of the way… until the final eruption:) (Yes, women have been reported to have orgasms simply
by listening to patterns being delivered the right way:). So memorising the patterns presented in
this guide does nothing for you, unless you really live out and not simply recite every word to
The patterns that you can find on or in this guide are mere examples of what
pattern-talk is like, they are not spells that make magic things happen just because they are
mumbled out loud. You can certainly start by memorising some patterns, but you will start
having real success only when you'll be able to make up a pattern on the fly about anything, that
is exciting and close to heart for that one specific girl you are talking to. It helps if you have a
soft, low, mesmerising and a slightly hypnotic voice, and if you don't… try to modulate your
voice to become as such while delivering your patterns:)
(ASF:) "Using a low, seductive voice may seem unnatural at first, but you must practice. Try tape
recording your own voice so you get an idea of how you sound in general. Then tape yourself
reciting a scripted pattern. You'll hear how stilted and unnatural it sounds. Now tape yourself
while improvising that same pattern, but this time work on making how you say the words sound
soothing and, well, seductive. Don't worry about screwing up the word order, just concentrate on
HOW YOU SAY IT. Also - pause mid-sentence to create a sense of anticipation and mystery."
Update. Adapted from Ross Jeffries' public seminar tanscript no 1:
Ross: Some of you, your tonality, up until tonight sucked. It just sucks. You need to practice.
You've got to make a commitment to practice these skills. How many people here walk? How
many people here talk? How many people here can stand up? How many people here are toilet
trained? Keep your hand down, Bruce. Just teasing, ok. Do you think those are all things that you
acquired immediately? Did you pop out of the womb being able to do it? You had to practice.
You must practice these skills on a consistent basis. I don't know why I have to continue to
hammer on this point before you get it and incorporate it. So let's work on controlling tonality,
let's put your notes down. I dont want to see anyone writing or holding notes, anyone with a pen
in their hand will find their gentile is shrinking. And some of you have no time to waste. How
many of you know what the vowels are? What are the vowels?
Audience: A,E,I,O,U
Ross: Wrong, here are the vowels. AAAA, EEEE, IIII, OOOO, UUUU. Those are the vowels. So
we're going to do an exercise. Put one hand on your chest so you can feel the residence of your
voice, take a deep breath, put your head back and say with me. AAAA, EEEE, IIII, OOOO,
UUUU. Welcome to the five hour orgasm. Ok. When you speak to a woman, you should be
speaking such that your voice resinates. When you practice these patterns out loud, and you must
practice every pattern OUT LOUD. Not in your head. Out loud, because you're speaking these
out loud. So, we must learn to control our tonality. Ok, let's try another exercise. Let's pick a
neutral word like watermelon. Ok. Let's all just say watermelon.
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Try it one more time
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Ok, now. I want you to remember a time when you were angry, really pissed off and say
watermelon as if you were expressing that angry feeling. Ready?
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Again
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Alright, can you remember a time when you were curious? I want you to say watermelon
with a tonality of curiousity. Ready?
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Watermelon, and now seductive and sexy. Say watermelon. Let's start with this row, ok
guys. Let's hear you do your watermelon seductive and sexy, are you ready?
Audience: Watermelon
Audience: Laughs
Ross: Do you see what I mean? Look, ok, let's hear you say the words, seduce me, let's hear you
say seduce me.
Audience: Seduce me
Ross: Louder, put your hand on your chest, get the resident, no these guys only, put your head
back, take a deep breath and go, seduce me, make it resinate. Say it out loud.
Audience: Seduce me
Ross: Better, a little louder. This is not observant. Do it. Seduce me, better, ok, now do
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Suck it in like this and go watermelon.
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: He's got it. Nicky, come on in and have a seat. Ok, do you guys want to try it? Let's hear it.
Let's hear the sexiest watermelon in the world. Are we ready?
Audience and Ross: Watermelon
Ross: That's good. He's got it, go ahead, one more time.
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Very good. Ok, all together, ready. 1, 2, 3,
Audience and Ross: Watermelon
Ross: If you guys need extra help on doing this you have my permission to call two 900 numbers.
I'm serious. Take them and listen to how these women speak. Ok, if necessary, call a gay 900
Audience: Laughs
Ross: I'm serious, I'm serious and listen to how they speak. Here's a good way to make sure you
say it right, get the feeling for yourself right here. And then as you're speaking to the woman, the
feeling that you want her to feel will guide your tonality. Do you get that? So imagine the feeling
that you want to feel right here and then allow that feeling to guide your voice. So as the warmth
of that voice just wraps itself around you like a pair of legs around your neck, you'll know, really
know, on the inside, just exactly what's happening, you know. You must learn to control your
tonality. I can't emphasize this enough. It is the single biggest stumbling block. Some other ways
to learn to control your tonality. Get a dictionary. Pick out words at random and experiment
saying those words with the right tonality. Pick out loaded words like troop, love, seduction,
connection. Write these words down. Troop, love, seduction, connection, desire, lust, absolutely
fascinated. Ok. And work on saying these in the right tonality. I just cannot emphasize this
enough. Trying to learn this without getting master of your tonalities is like trying to drive your
car without gasoline. It's just not going to work.

Delivering patterns - general rules

Being vague. It is important to be as vague as possible in your patterns. For one thing, vagueness
for a woman doesn't sound incoherent or obscure like it does to the rational and matter-of-fact
mind of a man. For a girl, vague equals romantic, thrilling, mysterious and intriguing. For
another thing, being vague in your patterns lets her more easily link the feelings you describe
with her own experiences or dreams. The more vague, the better!
Doesn't patterning sound unnatural? (Ross Jeffries:) "When you learn how to do Speed
Seduction according to that, it ceases to be about mind-fucking and ramming memorised patterns
into a (hopefully:) co-operative subject, and becomes a mutual exploration of how you think and
how she thinks about certain topics, that naturally would lend themselves to pattern type talk
even if you didn't know a thing about Speed Seduction! Using the pattern language, therefore, in
this context is utterly natural, incredibly powerful, and allows you to actually learn something
about the woman on a very deep level while you are creating incredible connections, sexual
feelings, etc. etc."
Once more, the patterns here are only examples. Ross Jeffries: "The patterns are examples,
NOT rules. Many students think that unless they present the patterns to women, word for word,
that they won't work or get results. THIS IS JUST 100% FALSE! The patterns are only
examples... very GOOD examples... of the kinds of communication that turn women on. But they
aren't meant to be rigidly or exclusively followed. Learn from them HOW they work, and you'll
be able to eventually create your own patterns."
The Stages of Learning Patterns as stated by Ross Jeffries:
"I would say students go through three stages of Speed Seduction Mastery.
• Stage One: memorising and using memorised patterns, word for word.
• Stage Two: learning to use themes that incorporate pieces of the pattern language.
• Stage Three: learning to use themes that have deep personal meaning for the student as well as
being intriguing to women and allowing the student to use pieces of the pattern language."
Can I talk freely or will she interrupt me? Ross Jeffries: "There are two classes of women who
respond to patterns; those who want to be overwhelmed, and those who want it to be their own
experience. The women in the first category will just sit and let you run patterns without
interrupting; the second category will interrupt by talking. That's ok...let them talk... because they
will give you their personal trance words which you use back with them when you continue with
the patterns! Girls in the second category are actually more entertaining and fun!"
The time delay. Ross Jeffries: "Some women, for whatever reason, have a "time delay" effect;
the patterns might not appear to work, but an hour or 3 days or even 3 months later, out of the
blue they want to bang you. This "time delay" can be an x-factor that can make responses seem a
bit more unpredictable."
Update. (Taken from "Sweep women off their feet...":) "If she's still not responsive maybe she's
never experienced such feelings in the past and is having a hard time keeping up. Slow down and
talk as though you are trying to understand as well from the experience of your friend. It will be
easier for her to imagine all the feelings you are describing if there is no pressure for her to
readily understand them. Give her the time she needs to absorb everything. And sometimes it
takes a while before she'll absorb everything. Believe me, that does happen.
For example, there was this girl I thought was unresponsive, yet a few days after we had a deep
conversation about love and feelings she came up to me and acted as though she was truly in
love, picking up that same conversation after I almost forgot what we were talking about in the
first place."
Combine feelings with body sensations. Ross Jeffries: "As far as possible, layer in body
sensations along with your connection patterns! When you combine body sensations along with
emotional connections, either at the same time or rapidly in sequence, the effect is practically
irresistible and the power isn't's exponential!"
Fear?? No. FUN!! Ross Jeffries: "If you want to be hilariously successful with Speed Seduction,
then you must realise that the patterns aren't about begging. They aren't even really about tricking
or misleading. No, sir, the patterns are about being able to create such incredible states of
pleasure and fun and highs for her that no one else can, such that she really WANTS to give you
her sexual goodies. They're about creating states for her that no one else can. Viewed like this,
that incredible babe you want to bang isn't someone you need to fear. She's someone who's about
to receive an incredible gift from you, a gift she might continue to receive IF she's smart enough
and hot enough and sexy enough to give you what it takes to keep YOU coming back for more.
You see, it sure makes a damn big difference when you can look at a honey-pie and honestly
think to yourself, "How good can this woman stand to feel? Let's go have fun and find out!"
Speaking of fun, another big part of being in the right frame of mind to make SS work is refusing
to take it seriously. By that, I mean you take the attitude that you are experimenting, having fun,
and if what you try doesn't work, you've simply polished your skills and learned something new."
For more specifics about patterns (using visual, auditory or kinaesthetic language for girls with
visual, auditory or kinaesthetic imaginations accordingly; running at least three different patterns
in a row for maximum effectiveness etc.) turn to and see the newsletters.
Update. Adapted from Ross Jeffries' public seminar tanscript.
The right attitude. Ross Jeffries: "You see, challenge is where the fun is. If it's not easy, life is
not meant to be easy, but life was meant to be fun. If you're not going to have fun in the process,
then what's the point. And also this is a very sexy attitude. A guy who is not put off but is also
not hungry, and is having fun in the process of courtship, a woman is attracted to that. A man
who'll playfully court her without being pushy, a man who is persistent, but at the same time is
not pushy or needy but is playful about it. [The attitude is:] "Eventually you're going to come
around and see what a great deal it is and in the mean time I'll play and have fun with you".
That's very sexy. You know, I'm telling you something, you can look like a freaking pig and many
of my students do and still it doesn't make any difference because it's a very rare attitude. It's a
very rare approach. You become one man in a million."
See and observe her response. Ross Jeffries: "Ok, we'll talk about the skills. Let's talk about the
skills you need to make this work. The first skill you need is the ability to observe and to see
what response you are getting. Shall I repeat that? The ability to observe and see what response
that you're getting. In order to do that, you have to be doing what? Louder, I can't hear you. To do
that you can't be in your head worrying is this working, oh, oh, does she like me, what if I blow
it, you have to turn all that crap off. Flip that switch to off, pull the plug on that. You have to be
totally focused on what response you're getting. Step out of your own way and turn all that crap
off and just focus in on the response you're getting."
Be flexible yet persistent. Ross Jeffries: "Ok. Skill No. 2. The flexibility to change to something
else if you aren't getting the response you want. If you try "have you ever", let's take that one.
"Have you ever felt the sense of incredible connection…?", yet then you get "no". Instead of
giving up you can go "Well have you ever felt really attracted to someone…?". Keep going until
you get that response. Do you understand. Keep going until you get the response because
eventually you will. Or step back and shift to something else. Does this make sense? I know, stop
a minute, close your eyes. Everyone has some, when I say close your eyes, I want the lids down.
Anyone who's lids do not close will find their sexual future shrinking away, rapidly, rapidly.
Some of us don't have long to wait. I want you to think of some situation where you have alot of
flexibility where something gets thrown in your path, you shift around and you keep going. I
don't care what context it is. And as you think of that thing I want you to raise your hand in the
air, raise your hand in the air, do it and make a fist, raise your arm all the way up in the air, make
a fist and as you bring that hand down I want you to increase that feeling of utter flexibility and
ferociousness that you go for what you want and keep going. And do it again. Think of that thing
again, raise your hand in the air and as you do that, think to yourself, yes, don't say it but think to
yourself. And remember that feeling of being flexible and you go to the next thing. Ok, one more
time. And this time in your mind's eye, I want you to see some woman that you would really like
to seduce and see her not responding the way you'd like to. As you put your hand down, notice
how you can increase that feeling, hey, I'm going to try something else and keep going. Nothing
is going to stop me. Do you get that? Alright. Open your eyes and look at me."
Be patient and learn from trial and error. Ross Jeffries: "Ability No 3 is the ability to be
patient and learn from trial and error. I know you all admire me and you're not worthy and all that
other shit but guess what. I make mistakes with this. But I don't want to think of making mistakes,
I am learning. I occasionally do things, guess what, they don't work the way I've planned.
Guess what? I get excited. Kent and Mark here had lunch with me and the first thing I asked
them was what have you done that doesn't work? Tell me about what you've done where it didn't
work. Did I not say that? Because that's where I get excited. That tells me I'm about to step into a
new level of power. If something isn't working, congratulate yourself because you're about to find
out what does work. You're about to learn something new. Without that mind set, you will be at
best mediocre with this material. With this mind set no matter what blocks you may start out
with, you will leave them behind quickly and go wherever you want to with the material. But if
nothing else, if all you do is really begin to live the attitude that there are no failures, there's only
learnings, you will be ahead 99% of the people in society."
Be able to move from one pattern to the next. Ross Jeffries: "Ability No. 4. Ability to move
from one pattern to the next. I will go over some transitional phrases that will allow you to move
from any pattern to any other pattern. Even if, it makes it logically seem, it's nothing more fun to
me than making it seem like my ideas are logically connected when there's no logical connection
at all. I'm just connecting them so I can ram patterns in. Ok. And there's certain phrases "now
here's another thing". Or "here's something else that is interesting". It doesn't have to be any
logical connection to be any ideas at all."