Monday 28 November 2011

GM style explained

Contributed to ASF by Nathan Szilard, this is the description of the technique used by a PUA
acquaintance of his nick-named Grand Master Flash's. Hence the name GM technique. The key
here is smutty sex jokes and continuous humorous sex-talk with keen attention to how the girl
reacts, so as to forestall any negative reactions (and you can be sure, there will be plenty in the
beginning!:) by saying "just kidding", giving an "apologetic" hug to the girl etc. The reasoning
here is this, that if the girl has no chance to express her negative comments about sex-jokes and -
comments, this translates in her subconsciousness to agreeing and accepting what is being said.
The defences will eventually go down, she has to imagine all the sex-jokes in her mind in order
to understand them, and although she might be disgusted or repelled about them in the first place,
she won't be able to express her negativism, her mind is bombarded with more sexual references,
she just keeps imagining and before she knows it, nature kicks in and… she's getting horny:)
Simple:) But potentially dangerous as hell - you really need to be in your element with all the sex
jokes and keep "just kidding" in time not to get slapped in the beginning etc. otherwise you could
fail miserably:)
Nathan Szilard on GM Flash and his technique, ASF: "That's his aggressive style. Basically he
told them he wanted to fuck from the beginning. He had the attitude that he could satisfy them
sexually. He had the confidence that says he does this all the time. He was in their face. He was
making them excited. He was stimulating them like they are not USED TO being stimulated. If
they were going to resist, they would have resisted when he first told them what he wanted from
them. There is the INCORRECT assumption that chicks don't like DICK! They love it and they
want it! The problem is they want it from the guys they want it from. All he has to do is offer
them the SECOND best thing... sexual satisfaction as opposed to sex with a man they WANT!
He doesn't even have to satisfy them:) It's too late by the time he's fucking them! All he has to do
is make them BELIEVE that if they get with him he is going to fuck them WELL! They couldn't
resist because at some point they became HORNY and wanted that RELEASE!"

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