Monday 28 November 2011

PATTERNING- Patterning explained

Patterns form the core of Ross Jeffries' Speed Seduction technique. Patterns are scripts of
describing various wonderful states of mind and feelings to a girl, seemingly having nothing to
do with you and her (for example by describing the wonderful feelings and states that music,
dancing, eating strawberries and chocolate etc can create), but subconsciously getting her
aroused… by what you're saying and in effect by you:) You can either link all those wonderful
feelings you make her feel by what you're saying by self-pointing at appropriate times (which is
what Ross Jeffries recommends), but the simple fact that you're there while she gets all those
feelings and that you are the originator of them should do the job as well:).
Making her feel all those wonderful states not only means describing them to her, it also means
giving her commands embedded in what you're saying to experience those states. Descriptions by
themselves might not always work, she might not be paying too much attention and wander off in
her thoughts, but once you've given her commands - "Feel it building... focus in on those feelings...
surrender completely..." - she might first even be aroused by such commands by
themselves, but she will definetly be much more attentive towards the descriptions you are about
to offer.
Patterns also contain subconscious messages known as binder commands. For example, an
excerpt from a pattern: "… that's the way to do it. Now, with me, its different, because…"
incorporates a binder command of "DO IT! NOW! WITH ME!", which will bind all feelings and
desires her arousal has created to YOU.
Once you have her attention, one of the most powerful methods of making her "feel" is using
sexual metaphors. They sound innocent in the context of what you're saying, but she is bound to
pick up on them and once you have her imagining all those phrases out of context… don't be
surprised if she says has to go to the bathroom for a moment and you notice her seat is all wet:)
A few examples of such phrases are: "Create an opening for it... feel that thought penetrate you....
you come over and over again to the same conclusion...". Now that you know what to look for,
you'll find more phrases in the example patterns presented in this guide.
One rather dubious aspect of patterns is the so-called weasel phrases. For example the phrases
"…these values are below me" pronounced "BLOW ME!", "…a feeling of happiness"
pronounced "hap-PENIS!", "…in you're mind" pronounced "YOU'RE MINE!", "…thoughts
flowing in a new direction" pronounced "NUDE ERECTION!", "...the sky is so beautiful"
pronounced "THIS GUY IS SO BEAUTIFUL!" - these double-meaning pronunciations are
supposed to give her subconscious messages, but the effectiveness of such attributes of
patterning are slightly questionable though.
The main value of patterns remains in their ability to make a girl recall or imagine absolutely
wonderful feelings and states of mind, while subconsciously linking them all to you.

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