Friday 11 November 2011

How to Compliment a Woman Effectively

Suppose a person really looks up to you. Is that, by itself, enough for
them to like you? Probably not.
If your value is too much higher than theirs, they will get nervous around
you and perceive that the two of you don’t have good chemistry together,
because they just don’t feel very good about themselves when they’re around
you. This happens because they see you as so much better than themselves.

This is a problem faced by a lot of people who are perceived as “cool.”
Although they’re seen as really cool people, others get stage fright around them.
As a consequence, a lot of cool people actually have trouble maintaining
relationships (both sexual relationships and friendships.) So your coolness
should be balanced by enabling the people you interact with to feel good about
themselves while in your presence.
You're probably wondering, "How do you do that?" You do it by being free
in giving out genuine compliments.
One way to do this is to make a flattering observation and then quickly ask
a follow-up question in a querying manner, as if you’re making sure that the
woman is qualified to be with you. Remember, you are a good catch, so she will
feel good when she impresses you.
Examples –
You: “You have an amazing energy about you. What do you do for
Her: “Blah blah”
You (thinking about it for a second): “Hey, that does sound like fun.
I’d love to hear more about it.”
You: You seem really cool. What do you study at school?”
Her: “Blah blah.”
You: “Interesting! I have a friend who studied blah blah.”
As you see, when you give a genuine compliment, quickly follow it with a
question. This prevents the woman from denying the compliment and it also
makes her prove herself to you.
In fact, she'll practically be eating out of your hand and believing anything
you say as long as you make her feel qualified to be with you.
As an alpha male, you give approval without needing approval given back
to you. So don’t wait for her to thank you for the compliment.
Also, women commonly deny compliments, making them view themselves
in a lesser light. And women may then think you gave out false flattery, which is
the last thing you want. So don’t give her the chance to deny your praise.
I like to follow up my compliment with a question, because then that sets
up our interaction with the frame that even though I found something I liked about
her, my approval can still be taken away if I don’t like her answer. That puts me
as the one with higher value, and it’s her job to win my affections. She’s then
that much happier when she sees you’re interested in her answer.

Now, here’s something you need to watch: it’s important that you don’t
give out fake compliments because then you’re trying too hard for approval.
Besides, it’s tough to give a fake compliment and have it sound sincere, and you
definitely don’t want her to get suspicious.
Betas butter people up, alpha don’t have to.
Another strategy I like, particularly with a new woman, is to quickly change
the subject after complimenting her. “You seem really cool. Hey, you know
what? On my drive over here, I saw . . ..”
That keeps me in control of the conversation’s direction, plus prevents her
from having the chance to deny my compliment.
Another reason I like to sprinkle compliments in my interactions with
people is that it keeps me externally focused. Because I’m thinking about them,
I’m not burdened with worrying and over-analyzing my every move.

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