Monday 28 November 2011

The familiar approach

Act like you already know her
One of the easiest and most effective ways is to start talking to them, like you've already know
them. Just start in the middle, like you'd go on from where you left off the last time you two met
or just start with anything new, just as if you were talking to an old acquaintance of yours:) Skip
all opening-lines (99.9% of them suck and girls hate them) and introductions (she's gonna be
offering her name and phone number soon anyway, you just need to construct the opportunity for
her:). It is very important not to convey the image that you are hitting on her, at least not while
initiating contact. Being friendly (and not drooling over her), being confident (and not sweating,
trembling and stuttering) and being humorous go a long way in achieving this.
Fool her into thinking that she knows you
Kevin Kupal, mindlist: "Look surprised, then look away for a while, then look at her then look
surprised again. She may open a discussion. If not, open yourself by saying something like :
"You look strangely familiar. I swear I must have seen you somewhere. (pause). I can't remember
yet. Let's switch it around. Do you HAVE THAT FEELING that you STRONGLY RECOGNIZE
ME. Do you HAVE THAT FEELING NOW that I"M UNCANNILLY FAMILIAR.(?)" Her (most likely response, if the principle works): "... yeah... I must have seen you from
You: "You want to sit down for a cup of coffee while we figure out why we feel so familiar with
each other ?" (presup hehehe)."
Update. The High 5 modification
Craig, ASF: "I give girls high fives all the time, usually when they are walking in the opposite
direction as me and we cross paths in a club. Then, the next time I see them I say, "I remember
you!" and then we are instant friends! I will also just go up to a girl and put my hand up in high 5
postition, then when they slap it I'll just start talking and go into my routine."

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