Monday 28 November 2011

Anchoring explained

A more advanced aspect of patterning is anchoring. Anchoring is an application of Pavlov's
reflex in NLP (and also in Speed Seduction). A Pavlov's reflex is a conditioned reflex first
explored and introduced by Russian scientist Pavlov. The core of his experiment was as follows -
he rang a bell, gave a dog some food, the dog saw and smelled the food and started salivating.
After a few times of repeating the process of ringing a bell, offering food and getting the dog to
salivate, he eliminated the offering of food from the process. He just rang the bell and… the dog
started salivating. By always ringing a bell while offering food, he had created a conditioned
reflex in the test subject, which in this case was causing salivation by simply ringing the bell.
The same conditioned reflex can be created in a girl - this is called anchoring. In patterning this
means, that every time you see the girl light up with delight, smile, laugh or just feel damn good
because of the wonderful feelings you are creating in her with your patterns, you touch her in a
specific place (the shoulder, elbow, inside of her arm) thus planting an anchor (the ringing of the
bell while offering food:), while saying something "it's a great feeling, isn't it?" to mask your
Let's say you've touched her elbow each time you've made her feel especially good three times
already. If you now touch that very same spot on her elbow the same way you touched it on three
previous occasions (applying the same amount of pressure etc.), she suddenly and unexpectedly
has all those wonderful feelings, that were there when you planted the anchor, rush back to her
without you having done anything else but touch her elbow (in other words: you just rang the bell
without offering food, and she started to salivate:). If you're really good, you can plant different
anchors for different feelings all over her body - an anchor of laughter on her shoulder, an anchor
of excitement on her elbow, an anchor of feeling romantic on back of her hand and an anchor of
feeling horny… on her knee:).
Furthermore, anchoring is not confined to touching alone - you can also use the tone of your
voice, some specific words (whisper "oh yes do it!" in her ear a few times when she orgasms,
then whisper those same words in her ear when being on some fancy reception and watch her
turn red from a wave of passionate heat and lust. You don't even have to hide anything, she can
recognise those words as "familiar" but she still can't help herself:).
It is however important not to overuse the anchors you have planted or she will eventually
become insensitive to them. Ring a bell ten times without offering food and the dog will
eventually stop salivating when hearing the bell ring.
The most practical use of anchoring is probably being able the keep a girl on a constant high
when she's with you. Evoke positive feelings, and whilst she's experiencing them, anchor those
feelings. But even the best PUA-s cannot keep evoking good feelings in a girl on a continuous
basis, sooner or later, for whatever reason (she might be tired, have some worries, whatever), her
mood will drop. That's where the feelings you have anchored come handy. Fire off an anchor (if
you anchored laughter and fun to her shoulder, touch her shoulder) and she's happy again:) With
no excess effort on your part:)

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